Description |
Chapters 160 (Senate Bill 294) and 252 (House Bill 1161) of the Acts of Assembly (2012 regular session), requires all pharmacies and retailers in the Commonwealth of Virginia that sell over the counter cold and allergy medications containing ephedrine and/or pseudoephedrine products (PSE) to participate in a statewide, real-time electronic PSE monitoring program for the purpose of tracking illegal PSE purchases.
State Authority |
Chapters 160
and 252
of the Act of Assembly (2012
regular session).
§ § 18.2-265.8
(C) and
Federal Authority |
Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 (CMEA)- Title VII of Public Law 109-177
Text of Regulation |
Link to Virginia Administrative Code |
Goals of Regulation |
The purpose is to provide guidance for use of the a web-accessed database by approved law enforcement agencies. Pursuant to the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 (CMEA), pharmacies and retailers are currently required to capture certain data regarding ephedrine and/or pseudoephedrine products(PSE) sales. The system enables pharmacies to easily enter the same PSE sales data currently being gathered online rather than recording the information into a manual log or in-store computer system. Data will be stored in a secure, central repository that treats the data collected as if it were HIPAA data. Furthermore, the collected data will be viewable (at no cost) by authorized city, state, and federal law enforcement in keeping with CMEA, the Code of Virginia,and the Virginia Administrative Code.
Meetings |