Amend Standards for Licensed Child Placing Agencies to Comply with the Code
Action 5313
General Information
Action Summary |
This regulatory action will bring the Standards for Licensed Child Placing Agencies into conformity with multiple sections of the Code of Virginia that changed due to legislation from the 2019 General Assembly session which will become effective July 1, 2019. The regulation will be amended to add notification to birth parents, adoptive parents, and the child age 14 or older about post-adoptive communication agreements and notification to the child age 14 or older that he may consent to such an agreement (Chapters 65 and 84 of the Virginia Acts of Assembly 2019, § 63.2-1220.2 of the Code of Virginia). The regulation will be amended to include an annual review and update, if necessary, of caseloads and to add the Commissioner’s authority to place, remove, or direct the placement of a child who is under the supervision and control of a local board or licensed child placing agency (Chapter 446 of the Virginia Acts of Assembly 2019, §§ 63.2-913.1 and 63.2-904 of the Code of Virginia). |
Chapters Affected |
Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review |
This Action is exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act.
The normal executive branch review process is not required. As such, it can be submitted directly for publication and
is effective upon publication.
Exempt Citation:
RIS Project |
Yes [006005] |
Associated Mandates |
New Periodic Review |
This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID |
Stage Type |
Status |
Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 10/17/2019. |
Contact Information
Name / Title:
Deborah Eves
801 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address:
FAX: ()-
TDD: ()-