Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Social Services
State Board of Social Services
Degree Requirements for Family Services Occupational Group [22 VAC 40 ‑ 670]
Amend Degree Requirements Regulation
Action 3926
General Information
Action Summary This regulatory action implements Chapter 794 of the Acts of Assembly (2011) relating to the social worker occupational title, which becomes effective July 1, 2013. The regulatory action complies with state law requirements for the social worker title and makes technical corrections.
Chapters Affected Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process.
RIS Project Yes  [003367]
New Periodic Review This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID Stage Type Status
6512 Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 02/01/2014.
Contact Information
Name / Title: Linda Martin  / Policy Analyst Sr.
Address: 801 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address:
Phone: (804)726-7803    FAX: (804)726-7027    TDD: ()-