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4 VAC 20‑860 A Change in the Oyster Cull Size for Oysters Harvested from Little Carters Rock, Rappahannock River
4 VAC 20‑830 A Change in the Oyster Cull Size for Oysters Harvested from Russ Rock, Rappahannock River
4 VAC 20‑398 Ballast Water Discharge Reporting
4 VAC 20‑440 Coastal Primary Sand Dune/Beaches Guidelines: Barrier Island Policy
4 VAC 20‑400 Criteria for the Placement of Sandy Dredged Material Along Beaches in the Commonwealth
4 VAC 20‑360 Criteria for the Siting of Marinas or Community Facilities for Boat Mooring
4 VAC 20‑650 Establishment of Oyster Sanctuary Areas
4 VAC 20‑850 Expansion of the Jail Island Clean Cull Area
4 VAC 20‑1340 Fast-Track Permitting Program for Disposal of Dredged Material
4 VAC 20‑1240 Fisherman Identification Program
4 VAC 20‑395 General Permit for Emergency Situations and Water Quality Improvement Projects
4 VAC 20‑336 General Permit No. 3 Pertaining to Noncommercial Riparian Shellfish Growing Activities
4 VAC 20‑1130 General Permit No. 4 for Temporary Protective Enclosures for Shellfish
4 VAC 20‑345 General Wetlands Permit for Emergency Situations
4 VAC 20‑1300 Living Shoreline Group 1 General Permit for Certain Living Shoreline Treatments Involving Tidal Wetlands
4 VAC 20‑1330 Living Shoreline Group 2 General Permit for Certain Living Shoreline Treatments Involving Submerged Lands, Tidal Wetlands, or Coastal Primary Sand Dunes and Beaches
4 VAC 20‑1030 Management Plan for the Ungranted State Lands in Accomack and Northampton Counties
4 VAC 20‑290 Marking of Leased Oyster Planting Ground
4 VAC 20‑790 Open Public Oyster Rocks, Pocomoke Sound
4 VAC 20‑810 Opening of John East Turn and Poynter Rocks and Closing Beaseley Bay Rock and Deep Creek Channel, Buoy No. 7
4 VAC 20‑780 Patent Tong Restrictions
4 VAC 20‑510 Pertaining to Amberjack and Cobia
4 VAC 20‑530 Pertaining to American Shad
4 VAC 20‑755 Pertaining to Artificial Reefs
4 VAC 20‑1370 Pertaining to Atlantic Croaker
4 VAC 20‑1270 Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden
4 VAC 20‑1020 Pertaining to Bay Scallops
4 VAC 20‑950 Pertaining to Black Sea Bass
4 VAC 20‑270 Pertaining to Blue Crab Fishery
4 VAC 20‑752 Pertaining to Blue Crab Sanctuaries
4 VAC 20‑890 Pertaining to Channeled Whelk
4 VAC 20‑1040 Pertaining to Commercial Crab Fishery Licenses
4 VAC 20‑1360 Pertaining to Commercial Electrofishing
4 VAC 20‑610 Pertaining to Commercial Fishing and Mandatory Harvest Reporting
4 VAC 20‑995 Pertaining to Commercial Hook-And-Line Fishing
4 VAC 20‑700 Pertaining to Crab Pots
4 VAC 20‑260 Pertaining to Designation of Seed Areas and Clean Cull Areas
4 VAC 20‑1000 Pertaining to Dredging in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
4 VAC 20‑480 Pertaining to Eastern Shore Bayside Management Areas
4 VAC 20‑1060 Pertaining to Enlargement of Established Restricted Area -- Dominion Power/Nuclear Power Station
4 VAC 20‑1050 Pertaining to Establishment of Restricted Area -- Huntington Ingalls Industries/Newport News Shipbuilding Company
4 VAC 20‑1320 Pertaining to Establishment of Restricted Area - Maritime Administration James River Reserve Fleet
4 VAC 20‑1045 Pertaining to Establishment of Restricted Areas
4 VAC 20‑1065 Pertaining to Establishment of Restricted Areas
4 VAC 20‑1180 Pertaining to Fishing Guides, Charter Boat, and Head Boat Fisheries
4 VAC 20‑10 Pertaining to Fishing in Broad and Linkhorn Bays
4 VAC 20‑1280 Pertaining to Fishing License and Privilege Revocation
4 VAC 20‑1350 Pertaining to General Oyster Planting Ground Lease Renewal Fee
4 VAC 20‑1190 Pertaining to Gill Net Control Date
4 VAC 20‑680 Pertaining to Gill Nets
4 VAC 20‑380 Pertaining to Grey Trout (Weakfish)
4 VAC 20‑470 Pertaining to Hampton Roads Management Area
4 VAC 20‑880 Pertaining to Hard Crab Pot Limits
4 VAC 20‑1070 Pertaining to Haul Seines
4 VAC 20‑900 Pertaining to Horseshoe Crab
4 VAC 20‑140 Pertaining to Identification of Crab Pots, Peeler Pots, Eel Pots, and Fish Pots
4 VAC 20‑754 Pertaining to Importation of Fish, Shellfish or Crustacea into Virginia's Waters
4 VAC 20‑1310 Pertaining to Jonah Crab
4 VAC 20‑920 Pertaining to Landing Licenses
4 VAC 20‑1090 Pertaining to Licensing Requirements and License Fees
4 VAC 20‑110 Pertaining to Lobsters
4 VAC 20‑190 Pertaining to Measuring Mesh Size of Menhaden Nets
4 VAC 20‑1080 Pertaining to Monkfish (Goosefish)
4 VAC 20‑730 Pertaining to Nonresident Harvesters License Fee
4 VAC 20‑335 Pertaining to on-Bottom Shellfish Aquaculture Activities
4 VAC 20‑980 Pertaining to on-Shore Loading and Unloading of Shellfish from Condemned Areas
4 VAC 20‑600 Pertaining to Pound Net License Sales
4 VAC 20‑25 Pertaining to Pound Net Siting Public Interest Review
4 VAC 20‑130 Pertaining to Prohibited Areas for Use of Patent Tongs
4 VAC 20‑350 Pertaining to Prohibiting the Sale of Billfish
4 VAC 20‑120 Pertaining to Public Notice of Applications for Permits for Certain Uses of State-Owned Bottomlands
4 VAC 20‑670 Pertaining to Recreational Gear Licenses
4 VAC 20‑1400 Pertaining to Red Drum
4 VAC 20‑720 Pertaining to Restrictions on Oyster Harvest
4 VAC 20‑1230 Pertaining to Restrictions on Shellfish
4 VAC 20‑1290 Pertaining to Restrictions on the Harvest of Shellfish and in Condemned Shellfish Areas
4 VAC 20‑1260 Pertaining to River Herring
4 VAC 20‑910 Pertaining to Scup (Porgy)
4 VAC 20‑1220 Pertaining to Separation Between Nets
4 VAC 20‑490 Pertaining to Sharks
4 VAC 20‑1110 Pertaining to Sheepshead
4 VAC 20‑1100 Pertaining to Shellfish Handling
4 VAC 20‑560 Pertaining to Shellfish Management Areas
4 VAC 20‑1390 Pertaining to Shrimp
4 VAC 20‑970 Pertaining to Spadefish
4 VAC 20‑540 Pertaining to Spanish and King Mackerel
4 VAC 20‑280 Pertaining to Speckled Trout
4 VAC 20‑1380 Pertaining to Spot
4 VAC 20‑620 Pertaining to Summer Flounder
4 VAC 20‑960 Pertaining to Tautog
4 VAC 20‑580 Pertaining to the Alteration of Finfish
4 VAC 20‑500 Pertaining to the Catching of Eels
4 VAC 20‑370 Pertaining to the Culling of Crabs
4 VAC 20‑60 Pertaining to the Display of Licenses to Catch Finfish or Crabs
4 VAC 20‑150 Pertaining to the Dredging of Conchs (Also Known As Whelks)
4 VAC 20‑561 Pertaining to the Hampton Flats Hard Clam Harvest Area
4 VAC 20‑566 Pertaining to the Hampton Roads Shellfish Relay Area
4 VAC 20‑70 Pertaining to the Harvesting of Clams
4 VAC 20‑230 Pertaining to the Harvesting of Surf Clams
4 VAC 20‑20 Pertaining to the Licensing of Fixed Fishing Devices
4 VAC 20‑430 Pertaining to the Marking and Minimum Mesh Size of Gill Nets
4 VAC 20‑310 Pertaining to the Relaying of Shellfish
4 VAC 20‑550 Pertaining to the Removal of Gill Nets and Other Nonfixed Finfishing Gear
4 VAC 20‑170 Pertaining to the Removal of Nets
4 VAC 20‑751 Pertaining to the Setting and Mesh Size of Gill Nets
4 VAC 20‑80 Pertaining to the Setting of Fishing Devices Proximate to Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel
4 VAC 20‑740 Pertaining to the Snagging or Towing of Fish
4 VAC 20‑1200 Pertaining to the Special Oyster Relay Season in the Rappahannock River
4 VAC 20‑1250 Pertaining to the Tagging of Shellfish
4 VAC 20‑320 Pertaining to the Taking of Black Drum
4 VAC 20‑450 Pertaining to the Taking of Bluefish
4 VAC 20‑100 Pertaining to the Taking of Clams on Seaside of Eastern Shore
4 VAC 20‑220 Pertaining to the Taking of Finfish by Gill Nets
4 VAC 20‑590 Pertaining to the Taking of Hard Clams
4 VAC 20‑330 Pertaining to the Taking of Shellfish from Condemned Areas
4 VAC 20‑252 Pertaining to the Taking of Striped Bass
4 VAC 20‑240 Pertaining to the Tangier Island Crab Scrape Sanctuary
4 VAC 20‑460 Pertaining to the Use of Crab Traps and Pounds
4 VAC 20‑570 Pertaining to the Use of Firearms to Take Fish
4 VAC 20‑520 Pertaining to the Use of Patent Tongs
4 VAC 20‑410 Pertaining to the Use of Patent Tongs
4 VAC 20‑1120 Pertaining to Tilefish and Grouper
4 VAC 20‑770 Piankatank River Management Area
4 VAC 20‑1140 Prohibition of Crab Dredging in Virginia Waters
4 VAC 20‑340 Public Participation Guidelines
4 VAC 20‑1170 Requirements Related to the Purchase of Fish from the Catcher
4 VAC 20‑630 Reserved
4 VAC 20‑660 Reserved
4 VAC 20‑710 Reserved
4 VAC 20‑753 Reserved
4 VAC 20‑756 Reserved
4 VAC 20‑690 Reserved
4 VAC 20‑337 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (Sav) Transplantation Guidelines
4 VAC 20‑1410 Utility Line Encroachments Beneath or Over State-Owned Subaqueous Beds
4 VAC 20‑333 Virginia General Permit #1 (VGP#1) for Projects Undertaken by the Virginia Department of Transportation in, on or over State-Owned Subaqueous Lands Anywhere Within the Commonwealth
4 VAC 20‑390 Wetlands Mitigation -- Compensation Policy
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