Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Housing and Community Development
GDForum ID: 2402
Description of Proposed Guidance Document Changes
Remove all Commission on Local Government Guidance documents from Town Hall. These documents are restatements of statutes in plain language and bullet point format. They do not "interpret or implement statutes" and therefore do not meet the threshold definition of guidance document.
[This forum has been finalized.]
Guidance Document(s) for this Comment Forum
Document ID Document Title Current Document Proposed Document
CLG - ANNEX Commission on Local Government: Municipal Annexation link Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 7/23/2024
CLG - ANNEX AGR Commission on Local Government: Agreements Defining Annexation Rights link Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 7/23/2024
CLG - ANNUL Commission on Local Government: Annulment of Town Charter link Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 7/23/2024
CLG - BOUND ADJ AGR Commission on Local Government: Boundary Adjustments By Agreement link Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 7/23/2024
CLG - CITY REVERS Commission on Local Government: Reversion from City to Town Status link Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 7/23/2024
CLG - CONSOLIDATION Commission on Local Government: Consolidation of Two or More Units of Local Government link Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 7/23/2024
CLG - TOWN INC Commission on Local Government: Town Incorporation link Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 7/23/2024
CLG - VSA Commission on Local Government: Voluntary Settlement Agreements link Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 7/23/2024
Contact Information
LeGrand Northcutt
Sr. Policy Analyst
Main Street Center
600 East Main Street
ORM Review
ORM Approved (3/19/2024)
pdf ORM Economic Review Form     posted: 3/11/2024         submitted to ORM: 3/11/2024
The Virginia Register

Publication Date: 6/17/2024    Volume: 40  Issue: 22
The public comment period began upon publication and lasted for 30 days. It ended on 7/17/2024.
There were no comments
Effective Date:  7/18/2024   
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