CLOSED Opened on 9/15/2017 and Ended on 10/15/2017
Comment Title | Commenter | |
Requirement for a Licensed Credential Addition Treatment Professional to complete Initial ISP | Cumberland Mountain CSB | 10/5/17 2:15 pm |
OTS supplemental | Gloria Yocum, Sellati & Co., Inc | 9/19/17 9:22 am |
Supervising/ Peer Resource Coordinator | Elizabeth Sluder, 84 Main Peer Support and Recovery Resource Center | 9/18/17 3:24 pm |
Typographical error page 9 - update | Lori D'Alessandro, PRS in training | 9/18/17 10:57 am |
Typographical error page 9 | Lori D'Alessandro, PRS in training | 9/18/17 10:55 am |
PRS Recommendation and Clinical Oversight | Marny Bentley, Region Ten CSB | 9/18/17 10:45 am |
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