Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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8/1/14  11:05 pm
Commenter: Carrie Johnson

Do not redefine "valid photo IDs" to limit access to the polls

Please do not change the definition of "valid ID' in any way that limits or complicates anyone's access to the polls. If a driver's license or passport was valid when issued -- i.e. if it correctly state's the person's name, birthdate and address, and has a photo of that person -- it should be valid as voter identification indefinitely, certainly as long as that person's legal address does not change. To rule otherwise would make voting much harder for elderly people, disabled people, and others who for whatever reason no longer drive or travel and do not need a current driver's permit or passport.

Some of the most conscientious voters are seniors who have not missed an election in decades even though they don't otherwise get out much any more. Some of those who most need to be encouraged to exercise their right to vote are people whose lives have become constrained, and whose sole picture ID may be an old driver's license or US military ID. 

There is no evidence of voter fraud to justify excessive identity-checking at the polls. The new law is rigorous enough. Instead of turning the screws farther, please invest your energies in working with local registrars to reach out to those who need voter IDs so everyone who is otherwise eligible can exercise his or her democratic right this fall.

Thank you for reading and considering this.

CommentID: 36425