Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Final Text


Regulatory action to reflect updated Code of Virginia related to ...
Stage: Final
9/4/24  10:53 AM
4VAC25-31-360 Operation and reclamation

A. Mining operations shall be conducted to minimize adverse effects on the environment and facilitate integration of reclamation with mining operations according to the special requirements of individual mineral types and the approved operation, drainage, and reclamation plans. Mining shall be conducted to minimize the acreage that is disturbed, and reclamation shall be conducted simultaneously with mining to the extent feasible. No mining operation shall use cyanide or a cyanide compound in any mineral mining or processing operation.

B. Open pit mining of unconsolidated material shall be performed in such a way that extraction and reclamation are conducted simultaneously.

C. Mining activities shall be conducted so that the impact on water quality and quantity are minimized. Mining below the water table shall be done in accordance with the mining plan under 4VAC25-31-130.

D. Permanent lakes or ponds created by mining shall be equal to or greater than four feet deep, or otherwise constructed in a manner acceptable to the director.

E. Excavation shall be done in such a manner as to keep storm drainage flowing toward sediment control structures. Diversions shall be used to minimize storm runoff over disturbed areas.

F. The mining operation shall be planned to enhance the appearance to the public during mining and to achieve simultaneous and final reclamation.

G. At the completion of mining, all entrances to underground mines shall be closed or secured and the surface area reclaimed in accordance with the mineral mining plan.

H. Reclamation shall be completed to allow the post-mining land use to be implemented. After reclamation, the post mining land use shall be achievable and compatible with surrounding land use. All necessary permits and approvals for the post-mining land use shall be obtained prior to implementation.

4VAC25-40-389 Prohibition on cyanide

No miner or other person shall use cyanide or a cyanide compound in any mineral mining or processing operation.