Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department of Environmental Quality
Virginia Waste Management Board
Solid Waste Management Regulations [9 VAC 20 ‑ 80]    (Repealed)
37 guidance documents relevant to this chapter for the criteria specified

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
6378 Virginia Environmental Excellence Program Operations Manual 2/18/2021  Changes Being Made
7145 Manual for Processing Requests Pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act 12/19/2022  Changes Being Made
7146 E-Signature Guidance 12/1/2021 
CEM-07 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 4 - Civil Charges and Civil Penalties 12/31/2021 
PREP-2017-01 Pollution Response Program - Base Manual 7/18/2017 
PREP-2021-01 Transportation Incident Management Annex (TIM) – Interim Plan, GUIDANCE DOCUMENT: PREP-2021-01 4/28/2022 
BOARD: Virginia Waste Management Board
00-2016 Chain of Custody Policy and Procedures - Amendment 1 3/14/2006  Changes Being Made
LPR 03-2004 Waste Division Review of Environmental Review Reports as Required by NEPA 5/25/2004 
LPR 16-2002 Guidance for Certification of Waste Oil Burning Equipment for the State Income Tax Credit 8/1/2002 
LPR-2020-01 Guidance for the Certification of Recycling Machinery and Equipment for State Income Tax Credit (rev. 2021) 3/19/2021 
LPR-HW-01-1997 Discarded Sandblast Grit Policy * 2/14/1997 
LPR-REM-04-1996 Addendum to Policy for Handling Investigation Derived Waste * 7/24/1996 
LPR-SW-01-1994 Gas Condensate Recirculation * 11/1/2002 
LPR-SW-01-2005 Guidance for Soil Analysis Required for Facilities Treating Petroleum Contaminated Soil Under the Provisions of 9 VAC 20-80-360 * 3/11/2005 
LPR-SW-02-1993 Seismic Impact Zone - Part A Requirements * 11/1/2002 
LPR-SW-02-1997 Activities on Closed Landfills * 9/1/2003 
LPR-SW-02-2007 Close Safely the Old 1205 Permitted Landfills * 12/22/2011 
LPR-SW-02-2008 Landfill Waste Disposal Limits * 1/20/2009 
LPR-SW-02-2009 On-Site Composting of Routine Animal Mortality * 5/1/2009 
LPR-SW-03-1997 Notice of Expansion for Category 2 and Category 3 Facilities * 8/17/1997 
LPR-SW-03-2001 Local Landfill Certification for Non-Captive Industrial Landfills * 4/19/2001 
LPR-SW-03-2003 Tax Certification for Pollution Control 6/18/2003 
LPR-SW-03-2005 Siting and Groundwater Monitoring for Landfills and the Vicinity of Wetlands * 8/17/2005 
LPR-SW-03-2009 On-Site Burial of Routine Animal Mortality * 5/1/2009 
LPR-SW-04-1993 HELP Model - Leachate generation for tank design * 6/1/2003 
LPR-SW-05-2009 Research Development and Demonstration Plans * 11/9/2009 
LPR-SW-06-2001 Guidance on the Director's Determination in 10.1-1408.1.D.1 of the Code of Virginia - Permit by Rule Submissions * 8/9/2001 
LPR-SW-06-2005 Coordination of Permitting Requirements for Wetlands and the Siting of Solid Waste Landfills * 8/22/2005 
LPR-SW-07-1996 Closure Documents - Survey Plat Guidance * 8/6/1996 
LPR-SW-07-2003 Permitting Guidance for the 10 Year Permit Review * 8/27/2003 
LPR-SW-08-1993 P. E. Certifications Required for Permit by Rules * 10/1/1993 
LPR-SW-09-2001 Management of Dredged Material * 12/31/2001 
LPR-SW-2013-03 Waste Information Request and Trade Secret Protection 8/15/2013 
LPR-SW-EE-160 Virginia Waste Tire Program - Standards for Use of Tire Chips in a Residential Septic Drainfield 8/1/1997 
LPR-SW-EE-166 Virginia Waste Tire Program Utilization of Waste Tire Shred/Chips 8/1/2002 
LPR-SW-SI-09 Submission Instruction 09 - Requirements for Financial Assurance Mechanisms * 5/21/2002 
LPR-SW-SI-21 Submission Instruction 21 - Monitored Natural Attenuation * 9/22/2004 

* Document applies to this chapter specifically. Other documents listed apply to the parent board or agency.