Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department of Environmental Quality
491 guidance documents relevant to this agency for the criteria specified
Documents applying to multiple boards may be listed under each board.

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
6378 Virginia Environmental Excellence Program Operations Manual 2/18/2021  Changes Being Made
7145 Manual for Processing Requests Pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act 12/19/2022  Changes Being Made
7146 E-Signature Guidance 12/1/2021 
CEM-07 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 4 - Civil Charges and Civil Penalties 12/31/2021 
PREP-2017-01 Pollution Response Program - Base Manual 7/18/2017 
PREP-2021-01 Transportation Incident Management Annex (TIM) – Interim Plan, GUIDANCE DOCUMENT: PREP-2021-01 4/28/2022 
BOARD: Air Pollution Control Board
4186 Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy and the Department of Environmental Quality 2/19/2010 
4455 Fugitive Dust Control from Mining Operations 6/9/2011 
00-2016 Chain of Custody Policy and Procedures - Amendment 1 3/14/2006  Changes Being Made
ACG-001 Guidance for the Use of a Diluent Cap for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) Emission Calculations * 2/23/2015 
ACG-002 Guidance for Implementing the EPA Stationary Source Audit Sampling Program (SSASP) * 1/2/2017 
ACG-003 Guidance for Decommissioning or Maintenance of Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities in the Northern Virginia & Richmond Volatile Organic Compound Control Emission Control Areas * 1/1/2016 
ACG-004 Guidance for Approval of Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration (SSI) Operator Training Pursuant to 9VAC5-40 Article 55 and 40 CFR 60 Subpart MMMM * 5/23/2016 
ACG-005 Guidance for the Interpretation of the Duration of Violations when Applying Criteria 2, 3, and 4 of EPA's 2014 Policy for High Priority Violations 5/13/2016 
ACG-006 Guidance for Reporting NOx Excess Emissions for Facilities Subject to 40 CFR 60, Subparts GG and KKKK * 9/1/2016 
ACG-007 Guidance for Approval of New Sewage Sludge Incineration (SSI) Operator Training Pursuant to 40 CFR 60 Subpart LLLL * 5/23/2016 
ACG-008 Air Compliance Guidance for Non-Qualifying Sources * 1/25/2017 
ACG-009 Air Compliance Guidance regarding Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials * 3/14/2017 
ACG-010 Air Compliance Guidance for Implementation of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart WWW and 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Cf. * 8/30/2018 
ACG-012 Air Compliance Guidance for the Approval of Open Burning for Firefighter Training and Instruction Pursuant to 9VAC5-130-40 A * 8/15/2018 
ACG-013 Air Compliance Guidance for the Testing, Monitoring, and Certification Provisions of 9 VAC 5 Chapter 40 Part II Article 37 Requiring Approval or Acceptance by the Board. * 9/7/2018 
ACG-014 Air Compliance Guidance for Violations of 9 VAC 5 Chapter 40 Part II Article 37 and Related Federal Rules in Accordance with EPA Letters regarding No Action Assurance dated September 13, 2018. 9/24/2018 
ACG-015 Air Compliance Guidance for the Implementation of the Permitting Exemption for Qualified Fumigation Facilities * 12/26/2018 
APG-101 Interim Guidance, Shell Buildings 1/30/1987 
APG-102 Public Participation Requirements prior to issuing any permit for the construction of a new major stationary source or major modification to an existing source pursuant to Section 10.1-1307.01 (Localities Particularly Affected) (Memo No. 99-1004) 1/25/2010 
APG-103 Guidance on Permit Applicability - PM and PM-10 Sources (Memo No. 01-1002) 9/14/2009 
APG-105 Procedures for Shutting Down Sources (Memo No. 03-1006) 8/19/2010 
APG-110 Air Permit Guidance for Condensable Emissions in Particulate Pollutants * 11/12/2020 
APG-150 Air Permit Application Fee Guidance 1/1/2022 
APG-200A Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual 4/16/2020 
APG-200A1 Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual - Chapter 1: Title V Applicability & Voluntary Limits * 8/22/2019 
APG-200A11 Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual, Chapter 11 – Changing Status from Title V to Minor * 4/16/2020 
APG-200A2 Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual, Chapter 2 - Permit Applications –Timely and Complete Review * 4/16/2020 
APG-200A5 Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual - Chapter 5: Statement of Basis * 8/22/2019 
APG-200A9 Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual, Chapter 9 - Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) * 4/16/2020 
APG-202 EPA's White Papers on Title V Operating Permit Program (Memo No. 97-1004) 8/19/1997 
APG-203 Utilization of the Wood Furniture Manufacturing Title V Permit Boilerplate (Memo No. 98-1001) 2/17/1998 
APG-204 Common Control Determinations for Title V Permit Applicability (Memo No. 98-1002) 1/25/2010 
APG-206 Existing Source Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Opacity Exclusion for Title V Permits 3/16/2009 
APG-213 Sample MACT Place Holder Conditions 3/5/2004 
APG-214 T5 NSR Conflicts 9/30/2004 
APG-251 Implementation Guidance for Issuance of Article 3 Federal Operating Permits * 2/10/2017 
APG-301 Memorandum of understanding between Shenandoah National Park and Commonwealth of Virginia regarding PSD permitting issues 3/31/1993 
APG-302 Memorandum of understanding between Jefferson National Forest and Commonwealth of Virginia Regarding PSD Permitting Issues 3/30/1993 
APG-303 PSD Definitions 9/14/2009 
APG-304 Interpretation of the term "designed to accommodate" 9/14/2009 
APG-306 Relocation of Portable Non-diesel Engines 10/25/2002 
APG-308 Clarification of 9VAC5-80-1695.F - Exemption of Alternative Fuels under Major NSR * 3/24/2011 
APG-309 Air Permitting Guidelines - New and Modified PSD Sources * 11/2/2015 
APG-310 New and Modified Major Sources in Nonattainment Areas and Ozone Transport Region * 11/2/2015 
APG-311 Interim Guidance on Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) 8/25/2014 
APG-350 New Source Review Permits Program Manual 11/12/2020 
APG-350-Ch8 Air Permit Guidance for Control Technology Standards * 11/12/2020 
APG-350A Article 6 - Minor New Source Review Permit Program Manual, Draft 11/12/2020 
APG-354 Permitting and BACT Applicability under Chapter 80 Article 6 * 6/12/2015 
APG-355 Used Oil Fuel Permitting 7/11/2013 
APG-356 Revised Article 6 Regulation * 11/12/2020 
APG-360 Air Permit Guidance for Processing Non-Metallic Mineral Processing Facility General Permits * 5/28/2020 
APG-400A State Operation Permits Manual 9/30/1999 
APG-452 Section 112(g) Implementation Guidance (Policy No. 99-1007) 1/25/2010 
APG-453 Implementation Guidance for Incorporating State Toxics Requirements in Air Permits (Memo No. 02-1001) 1/20/2010 
APG-456 Regulation of Federal HAPs Under the State Toxics Program and State NSR Programs 9/1/2004 
APG-457 State Toxics and Solid Waste Combustion Rules * 7/12/2012 
APG-458 Air Permitting Implementation Guidance for Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials (NHSM) * 3/14/2017 
APG-551 Procedures for Permitting and other Activities Associated with Coal Processing Plants (ADP Statement No. 2-96) 9/18/2008 
APG-553A Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Procedures and Boilerplate Permits 9/1/1999 
APG-554 Permitting and Compliance Issues for Non-road Internal Combustion Engines 12/1/1999 
APG-554A Internal Combustion Engine 12/1/1999 
APG-558 Stone Processing Operations * 9/6/2018 
APG-559 Permit Boilerplate Procedures for Coal Preparation and Processing Plants * 3/7/2017 
APG-560 Wood Fired Boiler Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits 8/14/1998 
APG-561 Residual Oil Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits for Boilers 9/17/1998 
APG-562 Natural Gas and Distillate Oil Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits for Boilers 7/16/2018 
APG-563 Wood Coating Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits 11/5/1998 
APG-564 Wood Working Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits 11/5/1998 
APG-565 Concrete Plant Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits * 8/9/2016 
APG-566 Asphalt Plant Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits * 11/19/2012 
APG-567 Miscellaneous Coatings Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits * 11/7/2012 
APG-568 Printing Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits 8/10/2000 
APG-569 Guidance for Permitting and Compliance for Facilities Subject to Non-delegated Federal Regulations * 8/29/2013 
APG-570 Interim Guidance for Permit Applicability for Emergency Generators Participating in an Emergency Load Response Program 5/15/2009 
APG-571 Permit Boilerplate Procedures For Human Remain Crematory Units and Pathological Waste Crematory Units * 6/10/2015 
APG-573 Lumber Kiln Emissions Calculatios 9/30/2010 
APG-574 Exemption of Qualified Fumigation Facilities 7/11/2013 
APG-576 Diesel Engine-Generator Set Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits * 12/18/2012 
APG-577 Air Permit Guidance for Air Curtain Incinerators * 6/10/2021 
AQAG-001 Virginia Modeling Guideline for Air Quality Permits 7/24/2012 
AQM-001 Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Ozone Ambient Air Monitoring Program * 11/1/2011 
AQM-002 PM 10 Sampler Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) * 4/14/2009 
AQM-003 Quality Assurance Project Plan for the PM2.5 Ambient Air Monitoring Program * 11/1/1998 
AQM-004 Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Carbon Monoxide Ambient Air Monitoring Program * 12/1/2011 
AQM-004A Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Carbon Monoxide Ambient Air Monitoring Program - Appendices * 12/1/2011 
AQM-005 Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Nitrogen Oxides Ambient Air Monitoring Program * 12/6/2011 
AQM-005A Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Nitrogen Oxides Ambient Air Monitoring Program - Appendices * 12/6/2011 
AQM-006 Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Sulfur Dioxide Ambient Air Monitoring Program * 12/6/2011 
AQM-006A Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Sulfur Dioxide Ambient Air Monitoring Program - Appendices * 12/6/2011 
AQM-007 Quality Assurance Project Plan for Lead-TSP Ambient Air Monitoring Program * 4/25/2014 
AQM-007A Quality Assurance Project Plan for Lead-TSP Ambient Air Monitoring Program - Appendices * 4/25/2014 
AQP-01 Procedures for Testing Facilities Subject to Emission Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds 7/1/1991 
AQP-02 Procedures for Determining Compliance with Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards Covering Surface Coating Operations 7/1/1991 
AQP-03 Procedures for the Measurement of Capture Efficiency for Determining Compliance with Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards Covering Surface Coating Operations and Graphic Arts Printing Processes 4/1/1996 
AQP-04 Procedures for Maintaining Records for Surface Coating Operations and Graphic Arts Printing Processes 7/1/1991 
AQP-08 Procedures for Preparing and Submitting Emission Statements for Stationary Sources 1/1/1993 
AQP-09 Procedures for Implementation of Regulations Covering Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities 1/1/1993 
AQP-09A Guidance Memo - Stage I and II Vapor Recovery System Testing Standards 12/15/2011 
AQP-11 Implementation of the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) of Air Quality Program 1/1/1993 
AQP-14 Control Technology Requirements for Emissions of NOx from Electric Generating Combined Cycle Turbines 12/1/2002 
ASOP-01 Complaints 8/9/2001 
ASOP-02 Inspections 9/14/2001 
ASOP-03 Visible Emissions Evaluations 3/20/2003 
ASOP-04 CEM Audit Evaluation 3/19/2003 
ASOP-06 Title V Report/Certification Evaluations 6/30/2018 
ASOP-07 VOC Testing 10/23/1997 
ASOP-08 Particulate Testing: Role of Agency Observer 5/26/1998 
ASOP-09 VOC Sampling and Analysis 3/28/2002 
ASOP-10 Air Standard Operating Procedure for Reviewing Excess Emission Reports (EERs) * 8/17/2018 
ASOP-11 The NOx Trading Program 6/6/2003 
ASOP-13 Tax Certifications 11/22/2004 
ASOP-13 Amendment Tax Certification 1/23/2009 
ASOP-17 Compliance Assistance 9/23/2003 
LPR-SW-01-2007 Vegetative Waste Burning at Closed Landfills * 1/8/2007 
MSOP-01 Professional Responsibilities and Conduct of Mobile Source Operations Staff * 8/22/2000 
MSOP-02 Field Activity Procedures * 6/17/2010 
MSOP-03 Station/Facility Permitting/Certification and Renewal Procedures * 6/17/2010 
MSOP-04 Complaint Procedures and Investigations * 12/11/2006 
MSOP-05 Procedures for Operating State Vehicles * 7/10/2008  Changes Being Made
MSOP-06 Data Disk Procedures and Vehicle Inspection Report Voiding Process * 4/16/2008 
MSOP-07 Vehicle Emissions Inspection Station Recognition Program * 6/1/2011 
MSOP-08 Exemption of Non-Conforming Vehicles * 6/1/2012 
MSOP-09 Special * 8/2/2010 
MSOP-10 Kit-Car Vehicles * 4/30/2008 
MSOP-11 Emissions Inspection Deferral Request * 6/18/2009 
MSOP-12 Remote Visual Observation Inspection Procedures * 7/24/2000 
MSOP-13 Enforcement Procedures and Schedule of Penalties - Mobile Source Operations Section * 12/5/2000 
MSOP-14 On-Road Emissions (ORE) Program Procedures * 6/19/2009 
SBAP-01 Small Business Assistance Program Modification Procedures for Modification of Work Practices, Technical Methods or Time Frame 10/28/1994 
SBAP-02 Guide to Compliance Requirements for Dry Cleaners 3/17/1994 
SBAP-03 Fact Sheet - Wood Furniture Operations 12/13/1996 
SBAP-04 Fact Sheet - Lithographic Printing Processes 7/1/1996 
SBAP-05 Fact Sheet - Flexographic, Rotogravure, and Publication Rotogravure Printing Lines 7/1/1996 
SBAP-06 Fact Sheet - Small Business Assistance Program 12/17/1997 
BOARD: Department of Environmental Quality
2170 Procedure Manual - Environmental Impact Review of Major State Facilities 10/1/2018 
2281 Virginia Litter and Recycling Educational Projects 12/1/2003 
4186 Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy and the Department of Environmental Quality 2/19/2010 
00-2016 Chain of Custody Policy and Procedures - Amendment 1 3/14/2006  Changes Being Made
DEQ-LPR-2 Guidelines for the Virginia Litter Prevention and Recycling Grants 5/12/2022 
GM18-2004 Procedures for Pipeline Stop Work Instruction 6/18/2018 
LPR-REM-2019-01 Review Process for UECA Environmental Covenants * 8/22/2019 
REW2011-01 Wind PBR Guidance - Cover Memo * 9/7/2011 
REW2011-01S1 Wind PBR Guidance - Section I: General * 6/28/2012 
REW2011-01S2 Wind PBR Guidance - Section II: Methodology * 7/1/2017 
REW2011-01S3 Wind PBR Guidance - Section III: Coastal Avian Protection Zone (CAPZ) Narrative * 9/6/2011 
REW2012-01 Solar PBR Guidance - Cover Memo * 7/18/2012 
REW2012-01S1 Solar PBR Guidance - Section I: General * 7/18/2012 
REW2012-01S2 Solar PBR Guidance - Section II: Methodology * 7/1/2017 
REW2012-01S3 Solar PBR Guidance - Section III: Coastal Avian Protection Zone (CAPZ) Narrative * 7/18/2012 
REW2013-01 Combustion PBR Guidance - Cover Memo * 8/27/2013 
REW2013-01S1 Combustion PBR Guidance - Section I: General * 8/27/2013 
REW2013-01S2 Combustion PBR Guidance - Section II: Methodology * 7/1/2017 
REW2013-01S3 Combustion PBR Guidance - Section III: CAPZ Narrative * 8/27/2013 
BOARD: State Water Control Board
2283 Virginia Brownfield Remediation Loan Program Guidelines 11/20/2018 
2284 Virginia Land Conservation Loan Program Guidelines 11/20/2018 
2285 Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund - Guidelines 5/1/2012 
2287 Procedural Guidlines for Virginia's Wastewater Revolving Loan Fund 5/1/2017 
2288 Virginia Agricultural BMP Loan Program Guidelines 2/18/2021 
5215 Stormwater Loan Program Guidelines * 11/20/2018 
5989 Construction Stormwater FFY 2016 Compliance Monitoring Strategy * 4/1/2016 
6130 Stormwater Local Assistance Fund Program Guidelines * 8/18/2022 
00-2003 Wetland Compensation Ratios * 2/1/2000 
00-2004 The Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Reimbursement Manual, Volume I: Application Process, 3rd Edition: (For Work Authorized before March 1, 2007 * 2/8/2000 
00-2006 Spiking Requirements for Metals Analysis 3/23/2000 
00-2008 Notification of Acceptance for Coverage by a General Permit * 5/12/2000 
00-2010 Protocol for DEQ Action in the Event Unpermitted Discharges are Identified 8/22/2000 
00-2011 Guidance on Preparing VPDES Permit Limits based on Water Quality Standards for Toxics 8/24/2000 
00-2011 QL Related Update to Guidance Memo 00-2011 - Amendment 4 (1-3 no longer effective)) 4/10/2003 
00-2012 Toxics Management Program Implementation 8/24/2000 
00-2014 Quality Assurance Project Plan, State Lead Program, Revision 2 * 6/12/2014  Changes Being Made
00-2015 Implementation Guidance for July 2000 Revisions to the VPDES Permit Regulation * 9/27/2000 
00-2016 Chain of Custody Policy and Procedures - Amendment 1 3/14/2006  Changes Being Made
01-2001 Use of USGS 1980 Hydrologic Unit Map of the US to Determine Appropriate Hydrologic Unit Code for Compensatory Mitigation using Mitigation Bank Credits 1/8/2001 
01-2005 Interim Guidance for Spray Irrigation and Reuse of Wastewater 1/18/2001 
01-2007 Implementation Guidance for Decembeer 2000 Revisions to the VPDES Permit Regulation * 3/15/2001 
01-2008 Numbering of Outfalls for VPDES Permits 3/21/2001 
01-2012 Siting of Storm Water BMPs in Surface Waters and the Application of Temperature Standard to Impoundments 4/18/2001 
01-2013 Checklists for Wastewater Laboratory Inspections 5/3/2001  Changes Being Made
01-2013 Checklists for Wastewater Laboratory Instpections - Amendment 2 5/10/2002  Changes Being Made
01-2013 Checklists for Wastewater Laboratory Inspections - Amendment #3 5/24/2004  Changes Being Made
01-2017 DEQ Staff Biosecurity Procedures and Response to Suspected and/or Confirmed Outbreak of Foot & Mouth Disease 5/21/2001 
01-2020 Implementation of Amendments to the VPDES Permit Regulation and General VPDES Permit for Domestic Sewage Discharges of Less Than or Equal to 1,000 GPD - Local Government Ordinance Form * 7/17/2001 
01-2024D Storage Tank Program Technical Manual, Fourth Edition * 5/10/2011 
01-2024D Appendices Storage Tank Program Technical Manual, Fourth Edition - Appendices * 5/10/2011 
02-2001 Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Inspection Checklist * 1/23/2002 
02-2010 Water Compliance Auditing Manual 7/3/2002 
02-2012 Determination of Service Areas for Compensatory Mitigation Banks * 7/12/2002 
02-2019 The Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Reimbursement Guidance Manual, Volume II: UCR Schedules, 5th Edition (For Work Authorized before March 1, 2007) * 11/4/2002 
03-2007 Implementation of bacteria standards in VPDES Permits 3/27/2003 
2286 Virginia Wastewater Revolving Loan Fund Program Design Manual 11/20/2018 
6131A Living Shorelines Loan Program Guidelines 7/1/2019 
6131B Living Shorelines Local Plan Guidelines 7/1/2019 
90-011 Interpretation of Nutrient Policy * 4/20/1990 
90-016 Use of State Model by Consultants 7/2/1990 
91-020 Modifications to September 8, 1989 Guidance Memo VPDES Permitting Strategy for Discharges Resulting from UST Remediation Projects and Similar Projects 10/1/1991 
91-028 Procedure for Assigning Numbers to Permits 12/10/1991 
92-006 Authorization to Issue Certifications for Tax Exemptions 3/9/1992 
92-006 Authorization to Issue Certifications for Tax Exemptions for Underground Storage Tanks - Addendum #5 11/4/1996 
92-006 Authorization to Issue Certifications for Tax Exemptions of Water Reclamation and Reuse Equipment and Facilities - Addendum No. 6 * 4/22/2009 
92-006 Authorization to Issue Certifications for Tax Exemptions for Aboveground Storage Tanks - Addendum No. 4 * 8/22/1994 
92-013 Reporting of BOD5 Results for VPDES Monitoring 4/21/1992 
92-018 Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) Permit Program 8/28/1992 
93-008 DEQ Water Division Water Purification Systems Contaminants 4/20/1993 
93-026 Permitting Strategy for Wood Preserving Operations 10/11/1994 
93-026 Amd 1 Permitting Strategy for Wood Preserving Operations Amendment 1 10/11/1994 
93-030 Procedures for Approving Plans and Specifications for Sewerage Systems and Sewage Treatment Works and Concept Engineering Designs for Industrial Facilities * 12/21/1993 
94-003 Classification of Effluent/Water Quality Limiting Segments and Relationship with Antidegradation Tiers 3/22/1994 
94-012 Calcium Carbonate Equivalence Testing Requirements 10/20/1994 
94-017 VPA Farm Fertilizer and Chemical Dealerships 12/22/1994 
95-002 VPA Land Application of Water Treatment Plant Residuals 1/19/1995 
95-006 Updated Technical Criteria for VPA Industrial Land Application Program 9/28/1995 
95-008 General Permits 11/3/1995 
96-001 Storm Water Permitting 3/15/1996 
96-002 OandG/TPH Limites for Certain Effluents 4/9/1996 
97-2006 Revised Local Government Ordinance Form 11/24/1997 
98-2005 Reduced Monitoring 5/4/1998  Changes Being Made
98-2010 VPDES Permit and VPA Permit Ground Water Monitoring Plans * 9/30/1998 
98-2011 Inspection Checklists for Analyses of Mercury by Cold Vapor and Metals 11/4/1998 
99-2003 Use of Method 1664 for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Determination in VPDES Permits 2/26/1999 
DCR-CBLAB-022 Riparian Bufers Modifiation & Mitigation Guidance Manual * 9/15/2003 
DCR-CBLAB-087 Approved Compliance Evaluation Review Elements * 6/21/2010 
DCR-VSWCB-011 Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook * 9/1/1999 
DCR-VSWCB-013 Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition * 12/14/2011 
DCR-VSWCB-024 Guidance Document on Virginia Stormwater Management Program Site Inspection Strategies * 3/7/2011 
DCR-VSWCB-026 Guidance Document on Utilization of Nonpoint Nutrient Offsets * 11/14/2011 
DCR-VSWCB-029 Activities Constituting Substantive Progress Towards Local Development of a Virginia Stormwater Management Program * 12/13/2012 
DCR-VSWCB-030 Stormwater Management Model Ordinance * 12/13/2012  Changes Being Made
GM01-2013 Checklists for Wastewater Laboratory Inspections - Amendment 4A 10/5/2005  Changes Being Made
GM01-2013 Checklists for Wastewater Laboratory Inspections - Amendment #5 * 5/4/2006  Changes Being Made
GM01-2013 Checklists for Wastewater Laboratory Inspections - Amendment #6 * 8/30/2006  Changes Being Made
GM01-2013 Checklists for Wastewater Laboratory Inspections 11/1/2001  Changes Being Made
GM01-2013 Checklist for Wastewater Laboratory - Amendment #7 1/14/2008  Changes Being Made
GM02-2010 Water Compliance Auditing Manual Amendment 2- Revisions to Section I “Spills”, Section J “Inspection” and Appendix I “Point Assessment Criteria” 7/29/2009 
GM02-2010 Amd 3 Compliance Auditing Manual Revisions – Section I A “VPDES - DMRs Processing Procedures” * 11/18/2010 
GM02-2010 Amend#4 Water Compliance Auditing Manual Revisions – Section I.H (Assessment of Unauthorized Discharges, Overflows, and Bypasses of Sanitary Wastewater) and Appendix 1 (Point Assessment Criteria) GUIDANCE MEMORANDUM No. 02-2010, Amendment No. 4 * 2/2/2023 
GM03-2003 Interpretation for Water Monitoring of GM00-2016 - Chain of Custody Policy and Procedures - Amendment 1 3/14/2006 
GM03-2012 HSPF Model Calibration and Verification for Bacteria TMDLs 9/3/2003 
GM03-2013 Method for Calculating E. Coli TMDLs based on Fecal Colifiorm Monitoring 3/3/2003 
GM03-2014 Reporting of Data Generated During Approved Training Programs 9/10/2003 
GM03-2015 Method for Representing WLAs in Bacteria TMDLs 11/25/2003 
GM04-2003 Certification of Operator Requirements 1/20/2004 
GM04-2012 Coordination of Water Permit Programs with the Dept. of Health 5/25/2004 
GM04-2014 Procedures-Project Evaluation & Processing of Plans & Specs for Sewage Collection Systems and Treatment Works * 6/23/2004 
GM04-2015 Local Review Program * 6/24/2004 
GM04-2021 Guidance for Exceptional State Waters Designations in Antidegradation Policy Section of WQS Regulation * 11/15/2004 
GM05--2005 Procedures-Closure or abandonment of Lagoon or Sewage Treatment Works * 4/14/2005 
GM05-2001 Final 316(b) Phase II Rule Implementation * 1/25/2005 
GM05-2006 Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Third Party Disbursement Guidelines * 4/15/2005 
GM05-2013 Duty to Apply for VPDES CAFO Permit in Lieu of 2005 U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals Decision 10/6/2005 
GM05-2016 Lender Liability Exemption Guidelines * 11/29/2005 
GM06-2004 Geographical Information System (GIS) Data Plotting Procedure * 5/12/2006 
GM06-2005 Biosecurity Procedures for Poultry Farm Visits 5/24/2006 
GM06-2006 Guidelines for Underground Storage Tank Cathodic Protection Evaluation * 5/26/2006 
GM06-2007 Definition of Aboveground Storage Tanks for the Purpose of Eligibility for Va. Petroleum Storage Tank Reimbursement 6/13/2006 
GM06-2008 Local Government Certification for New VPDES Permitted Landfills * 6/29/2006 
GM06-2009 Review and Approval of Operation and Maintenance Manuals for Municipal Sewage Treatment Works * 7/5/2006 
GM06-2010 Guidelines for DEQ Review and Approval of Biological Monitoring QAPPs Submitted by Non-DEQ Sources 8/28/2006 
GM06-2011 Water Permit Fee Program Procedures 8/1/2006 
GM06-2012-Amd #1 Review Procedures for WQIF Grant Applications and Agreement Negotiations 12/10/2007 
GM06-2012-Amd #1 Add #1 Review Procedures for WQIF Grant Applications and Agreement Negotiations for Wastewater Conveyance Infrastructure Projects 8/15/2021 
GM06-2016 Significant Figures for Discharge Monitoring Reports 11/2/2006 
GM06-2016 Significant Figures for Discharge Monitoring Reports - Amendment #1 * 11/16/2006 
GM07-2001 Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Reimbursement Guidance Manual, Volume III, Application Process: For Work Authorized On Or After March 1, 2007 * 2/23/2007 
GM07-2002 The Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Reimbursement Guidance Manual, Volume IV, 007 UCR Schedules: For Work Authorized On Or After March 1, 2007; * 2/23/2007 
GM07-2003 The Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Reimbursement Guidance Manual, Volume V, Reconsideration Procedures Applicable to initial Reimbursement Decisions issued after March 1, 2007 * 2/23/2007 
GM07-2007 Threatened and Endangered Species Screening for VPDES Permits * 5/2/2007 
GM07-2008 Permitting Considerations for Facilities in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed - Amendment 2 * 10/23/2007 
GM07-2008 Permitting Considerations for Facilities in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Addendum No. 1 to Amendment No. 2 * 4/9/2009 
GM07-2009 VPDES Permit Applications for Discharges in Shellfish Growing Areas * 6/15/2007 
GM07-2011 Issuing a Certificate to Construct from a Final Engineering Report * 7/30/2007 
GM07-2012 Assigning Operator License Classes * 10/10/2007 
GM07-2013 CEDS DMR Data Entry Rules * 10/25/2007 
GM08-2001 Processing of Priority Permits, Administrative Continuance of Expired Permits and Permitting * 1/24/2008 
GM08-2003 Procedure for Designation of Vessel No Discharge Zones * 2/28/2008 
GM08-2007 Issuance of Biosolids Use Permits under the Virginia Pollution Abatement Permit System * 5/13/2008 
GM09-2001 TMDL Guidance for Monitoring of Point Sources for TMDL Development using Low-level PCB Method 1668 (Amendment 1) 11/1/2011 
GM09-2001 Guidance for monitoring of point sources for TMDL development using low-level PCB method 1668 3/6/2009 
GM09-2002 DEQ Field Measurements, Sampling and Evaluation of Data 2/27/2009 
GM09-2005 Monitoring and Assessment of Lakes and Reservoirs 12/11/2020 
GM09-2011 Conducting an Alternatives Analysis per the Requiremetns of 9VAC25-260-275 Protection of Eastern Shore Waters for Clams and Oysters * 8/18/2009 
GM09-2012 Applying the Freedom of Information Act Exemption of Location Information to DEQ Water Division Permit Files - Amendment No. 1 11/23/2009 
GM10-2001, Rev. 1 Implementation Guidance for the Water Reclamation and Reuse Regulation, 9VAC25-740 * 9/10/2018 
GM10-2004 (Rev-2) Implementation of Extended Buffers, Coordination of Health Complaints and Waiving of Buffers at Biosolids Land Application Sites * 9/2/2015 
GM11-2001 Review and Coordination with other State Agencies for Threatened and Endangered Species for Biosolids Permitting * 1/25/2011 
GM11-2002 Assessing points for violations of Chesapeake Bay annual load and concentration limitations for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus 1/26/2011 
GM11-2004 Amendments to the Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation 9 VAC 25-210 (Effective July 25, 2007) Regarding Surface Water Withdrawal Permitting * 3/17/2011 
GM11-2005 Revised Local Government, Riparian Property Owner, Adjacent Property Owner or Resident, and General Public Notification Procedures for VPDES, VPA and VWP Permit Applications and Draft Permits * 3/18/2011 
GM11-2006 Managing Frozen Ground for Biosolids Land Application * 3/18/2011 
GM11-2010 Process for Determination of Noncompliance with the General VPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity, VAR05 * 12/5/2011  Changes Being Made
GM12-2001 Determining Compliance with the use of VELAP Laboratory for VPDES and VPA Reporting 4/20/2012 
GM12-2003 Rev. 1 Landowner Agreements for Biosolids Land Application - Revision 1 * 10/22/2018 
GM13-2003 Guidance for Calibration Verification of On-Line Analyzers Used to Monitor Reclaimed Water * 2/10/2014 
GM14-2001 Modifying VPA Biosolids Permits and Terminating VDH-BUR Permits After the Adoption of 2013 Regulatory Amendments * 2/10/2014 
GM14-2002 Implementation Guidance for the 2009 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities, 9VAC25-880 * 3/7/2014 
GM14-2003 March 2014 VPDES Permit Manual Revisions * 3/27/2014 
GM14-2004 Procedures for Reviewing and Deriving Total PCB Concentrations from Samples Analyzed Using Low-Level PCB Method 1668 to be Used in the Development and Implementation of TMDLs 4/4/2014 
GM14-2006 VPA and Solid Waste Management Permitting and BUD Approval at Solid Waste Management Facilities * 4/30/2014 
GM14-2011 Nutrient Monitoring for "Nonsignificant" Discharges to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed * 8/8/2014 
GM14-2014 Implementation Guidance for Section 47 (time limits on applicability of approved design criteria) and Section 48 (grandfathering) of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Regulation, 9VAC25-870 * 8/25/2014 
GM14-2015 TMDL Waste Load Allocation Modifications in Response to New, Expanding, or Relinquished Discharges 9/26/2014 
GM14-2017 Implementation of VPA Regulation and General Permit for Animal Feeding Operations and Animal Waste Management Amendments, VPG1 * 11/12/2014 
GM15-2001 Process for Determination of Noncompliance with the General VPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity, VAR05 * 2/19/2015  Changes Being Made
GM15-2002 Use of Contact Hours for ESC or SWM Recertification * 3/5/2015 
GM15-2003 Postdevelopment Stormwater Management Implementation Guidance for Linear Utility Projects under the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Regulation, 9VAC25-870 * 4/23/2015 
GM16-2001 Updated Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Compliance Spreadsheets - Version 3.0 * 5/2/2016 
GM16-2002 Administrative and Enforcement Proceedings – Compliance Reviews of a Local Government Program for the Implementation and Enforcement of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act and Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation & Management Regulations * 5/6/2016 
GM16-2004 Coverage Transition for Virginia Water Protection General Permit Regulations * 7/26/2016 
GM16-2006 TMDL Action Planning for Local Total Maximum Daily Loads as Required in the Small MS4 General Permit (VAR04) Effective July 1, 2013 and MS4 Individual Permits * 11/21/2016 
GM17-2001 Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System (MS4) Inspection Guidance Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) * 2/6/2017 
GM17-2004 Guidance Manual for Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Plans * 6/6/2017 
GM18-2002 Amended Implementation Guidance for Financial Capability Regulation, 9VAC25-650 * 4/17/2018 
GM18-2002 Implementation Guidance for Financial Capability Regulation, 9VAC25-650 * 4/17/2018 
GM18-2004 Procedures for Pipeline Stop Work Instruction 6/18/2018 
GM18-2006 Reissuance Procedures for VPA Biosolids Land Application Permits * 10/22/2018  Changes Being Made
GM18-2010 Compliance and Auditing Procedural Guidance for the Office of Water Supply * 12/18/2018 
GM18-2010A Compliance and Auditing Procedural Guidance, Attachment 1 – OWS Compliance Workflow * 12/18/2018 
GM18-2011 Point Assessment Guidance for Alleged Noncompliance of the Groundwater and Surface Water Withdrawal Permit Criteria for the Office of Water Supply * 12/18/2018 
GM18-2012 Point Assessment for Alleged Violations of the Construction Stormwater Permit Criteria and Enforcement Referral Guidance * 12/20/2018 
GM18-2013 VPDES Permits with Groundwater Monitoring Requirements * 12/20/2018 
GM19-2002 Virginia’s Nonpoint Source (NPS) Implementation Best Management Practice (BMP) Guidelines 7/1/2022 
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Memo & Introduction * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 1 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 2 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 3 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 4 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 6 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 7 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 8 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 9 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 10 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 11 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM19-2003 Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit and Compliance Manual - Chapter 5 * 1/7/2020  Changes Being Made
GM20-2001 Addendum to Trading Nutrient Reductions from Nonpoint Source Best Management Practices in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Guidance for Agricultural Landowners and Your Potential Trading Partners 3/5/2020 
GM20-2003 Chesapeake Bay TMDL Special Condition Guidance (Rev. 11/12/2020) * 2/6/2021 
GM21-2001 Implementation of the 2021 Reissuance of the VPDES General Permit Regulation for Seafood Processing Facilities - VAG52 * 4/15/2021 
GM21-2003 Implementation Guidance for Reissuance of the VPDES General Permit Regulation for Discharges Resulting From the Application of Pesticides to Surface Water (VAG87). * 6/24/2021 
GM21-2004 Implementation Guidance for Reissuance of the General VPDES Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining Facilities VAG84. * 6/24/2021 
GM21-2005 Implementation Guidance for Reissuance of the VPDES General Permit for Domestic Sewage Discharges of Less Than or Equal to 1,000 Gallons Per Day * 8/5/2021 
GM21-2007 Local Water Quality Protections for Nonpoint Source Nutrient Credit Use for Regulated Land Disturbing Activities * 2/3/2022 
GM22-2001 Board Guidance Document: Resource Protection Area- Onsite Buffer Area Delineation * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2002 Board Guidance Document: Resource Protection Area-Buffer Area Encroachments * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2003 Board Guidance Document: Silvicultural Operations * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2004 Board Guidance Document: Exceptions * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2005 Board Guidance Document: Nonconforming Structures and Uses * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2006 Board Guidance Document: Determination of Water Bodies with Perennial Flow * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2007 Board Guidance Document: Resource Protection Areas: Permitted Development Activities * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2008 Board Guidance Document: Administrative Procedures for the Designation and Refinement of Chesapeake Bay Preservation Boundaries * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2009 Resource Protection Areas: Nontidal Wetlands * 3/31/2022 
GM22-2010 Implementation of the Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit for Vehicle Wash Facilities and Laundry Facilities (VAG 75) * 8/4/2022 
GM22-2011 Streamlined Plan Review for Construction Stormwater Plans and Erosion and Sediment Control Plans submitted by a Licensed Design Professional and reviewed by a Dual Combined Administrator for Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management * 1/19/2023 
GM22-2012 Stormwater Management and Erosion & Sediment Control Design Guide * 2/18/2023 
GM22-2013 Nutrient Management Plans for Irrigation Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Treatment of Wastewater, Water Division Guidance Memorandum No. 22-2013 * 2/16/2023 
GM22-2015 Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act-Locality Website Publication Guidance * 12/22/2022 
GM23-2002 Final 2024 Water Quality Assessment Guidance Manual * 11/25/2023 
GM23-2004 Accelerated Release of Nonpoint Source Nutrient Credits for Stream Restoration Projects * 9/14/2023 
GM23-2005 Public Participation Procedures for Water Quality Management Planning * 10/26/2023 
GM23-2006 Fish Kill Investigation Guidance Third Edition 7/18/2024 
GM24-2001 V 1.1 Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, Version 1.1 * 8/15/2024 
GM24-2002 Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Compliance Spreadsheet User’s Guide & Documentation (Version 4.1, July 2024) * 4/27/2024 
LPR-SRR-01-2013 Provision of Alternate Water Supplies to Operators of Petroleum-Impacted Water Supplies * 6/13/2013 
LPR-SRR-02-2012 Tank Ownership and Responsible Person Identification Changes * 10/2/2012  Changes Being Made
LPR-SRR-03-2012 Case Closure Evaluation of Sites with Free Product * 12/28/2012 
LPR-SRR-2014-01 State Lead Procedures Manual, First Edition * 5/14/2014 
LPR-SRR-2014-02 Storage Tank Program Compliance Manual Volume 4: Compliance Process * 7/15/2014  Changes Being Made
LPR-SRR-2014-03 Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Alternate Water Supply Program - Revision 3 * 3/27/2017 
LPR-SRR-2014-04 Storage Tank Program Compliance Manual Volume 1: Program Fundamentals * 12/22/2014 
LPR-SRR-2015-01C Storage Tank Program Quality Management Plan, Amendment 3 * 3/24/2016  Changes Being Made
LPR-SRR-2015-02 Instructions for Completing the State Lead Acceptance Form and Contractor Evaluation Tab * 12/4/2015 
LPR-SRR-2016-02 CEDS Tanks Compliance and Registration User Manual * 7/29/2016  Changes Being Made
LPR-SRR-2016-03 Storage Tank Program Compliance Manual Volume 3: Underground Storage Tank Inspections * 7/29/2016 
LPR-SRR-2016-04 Storage Tank Program Compliance Manual Volume 2: Registration & Closure * 12/1/2016 
LPR-SRR-2017-01 Discharges of Oil into Basements 10/20/2017 
LPR-SRR-2018-2A Risk Based Inspection Strategy (RBIS) for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) * 6/13/2019 
LPR-SRR-2018-3 New Underground Storage Tank Requirements Effective January 1, 2018 * 10/2/2018  Changes Being Made
LPR-SRR-2019-01 Volume VI – Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Reimbursement Guidance Manual, Application Process * 8/1/2019 
LPR-SRR-2019-02 Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Reimbursement Guidance Manual, Volume VII - Usual and Customary Rates [UCRs] * 8/1/2019 
LPR-SRR-2019-03 Storage Tank Program Compliance Manual Volume V: AST Guidance * 12/12/2019 
LPR-SRR-2020-01 New Underground Storage Tank (UST) Requirements Effective January 1, 2021 * 7/31/2020  Changes Being Made
LPR-SRR-2020-02 Storage Tank Program Technical Manual, Volume 1: Regulatory and Statutory Framework for Storage Tank Cleanups * 12/10/2020 
LPR-SRR-2020-03 Storage Tank Program Technical Manual - Volume 3: Responsible Persons (January 2021 Edition) * 4/1/2021 
LPR-SRR-2020-04 Storage Tank Program Technical Manual - Volume 6: Managing Petroleum Contaminated Media (January 2021 Edition) * 4/1/2021 
LPR-SRR-2021-01 EPA Brownfields Grant Eligibility Review for Petroleum Contaminated Sites - Revised 8/4/2022 
LPR-SRR-2022-01 Virginia Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Reimbursement Manual – Volume VII, 2nd Edition * 10/1/2022 
LPR-SW-03-2012 Implementation of VELAP Certification * 3/27/2012 
LPR-WS-2013-01 Incorporation of Water Supply Planning in VWP Permit Decisions for Surface Water Withdrawals * 10/8/2013 
WQS-1 Water Quality Standards Interpretation - New Standards (1992) * 2/24/1992 
WQS-2 Water Quality Standards Interpretation of Biologically Based Flows, Low Flow Application and Mixing Zones * 11/2/1992 
WQS-3 Water Quality Standards Interpretation of Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Mixing Zones * 4/20/1993 
BOARD: Virginia Waste Management Board
5804 Groundwater Monitoring Well Abandonment (Site Assessment) * 7/23/2015 
6172 Universal Waste Mercury-Containing Lamp Crushing Guidance * 12/1/2016 
6173 Universal Waste Lamp-Crushing Frequently Asked Questions * 12/1/2016 
6409 Hazardous Waste Inspector Handbook - Chapters * 9/30/2017 
6410 Hazardous Waste Inspector Handbook - Appendices and Bibliography * 9/30/2017 
00-2016 Chain of Custody Policy and Procedures - Amendment 1 3/14/2006  Changes Being Made
GM14-2006 VPA and Solid Waste Management Permitting and BUD Approval at Solid Waste Management Facilities * 4/30/2014 
LPR 03-2004 Waste Division Review of Environmental Review Reports as Required by NEPA 5/25/2004 
LPR 16-2002 Guidance for Certification of Waste Oil Burning Equipment for the State Income Tax Credit 8/1/2002 
LPR-2020-01 Guidance for the Certification of Recycling Machinery and Equipment for State Income Tax Credit (rev. 2021) 3/19/2021 
LPR-HW Closure Guidance-Wood Treatment Facilities - Drip Pads * 6/7/2007  Changes Being Made
LPR-HW Emergency Permits – Virginia Hazardous Waste Management Regulations and the RCRA Regulations - Guidance Summary * 5/13/2010 
LPR-HW EOD Emergency Response Operations and Emergency Permits Clarification * 3/4/2011  Changes Being Made
LPR-HW-01-1997 Discarded Sandblast Grit Policy * 2/14/1997 
LPR-HW-01-2012 "Contained-in" and "Contained-out" Policy Guidance for Soils Contaminated with Hazardous Waste * 7/9/2012 
LPR-HW-01-2018 Hazardous Waste Generated at Remote Site Locations By Utility and Rail Companies * 7/11/2019 
LPR-HW-03-1994 Risk Based Closure - (REAMS) Risk Exposure and Analysis Modeling System * 11/1/1994  Changes Being Made
LPR-HW-05-1996 Siting Requirements for Hazardous Waste Management Facilities * 7/26/1996 
LPR-HW-18-2002 Hazardous Waste Financial Assurance Procedures * 8/22/2002 
LPR-HW-2013-01 Waste Procedure No. 5 - Hazardous Waste Emergency Permits * 2/16/2018  Changes Being Made
LPR-REM-01-1995 Policy for Handling Investigation Derived Waste * 9/1/2003 
LPR-REM-04-1996 Addendum to Policy for Handling Investigation Derived Waste * 7/24/1996 
LPR-REM-RA RCRA RCRA Corrective Action Risk Assessment Guidance * 11/20/2013 
LPR-REM-RA SW Solid Waste Risk Assessment Guidance * 10/10/2012 
LPR-SW-01-1994 Gas Condensate Recirculation * 11/1/2002 
LPR-SW-01-2005 Guidance for Soil Analysis Required for Facilities Treating Petroleum Contaminated Soil Under the Provisions of 9 VAC 20-80-360 * 3/11/2005 
LPR-SW-01-2007 Vegetative Waste Burning at Closed Landfills * 1/8/2007 
LPR-SW-01-2007(2) Post-Closure Care Termination Memo * 4/30/2007 
LPR-SW-01-2008 Surface Water Impacts at Solid Waste Landfills * 2/22/2008 
LPR-SW-01-2009 Scenarios Under Which A Part A Amendment Is Or Is Not Required * 7/10/2018 
LPR-SW-01-2011A Implementation of the New Operations Manual Requirements * 7/9/2012 
LPR-SW-01-2012 Interpretive Guidance for Groundwater Well Replacement Actions at Solid Waste Landfills * 2/3/2012 
LPR-SW-02-1993 Seismic Impact Zone - Part A Requirements * 11/1/2002 
LPR-SW-02-1997 Activities on Closed Landfills * 9/1/2003 
LPR-SW-02-2007 Close Safely the Old 1205 Permitted Landfills * 12/22/2011 
LPR-SW-02-2008 Landfill Waste Disposal Limits * 1/20/2009 
LPR-SW-02-2009 On-Site Composting of Routine Animal Mortality * 5/1/2009 
LPR-SW-02-2010 Solid Waste Compliance Program Inspection Manual * 12/2/2019 
LPR-SW-02-2011 CROSSWALK COMPARISION 9VAC20-80 VERSUS 9VAC20-81 * 3/28/2011 
LPR-SW-02-2012 Solid Waste Special Waste Disposal Requests * 2/2/2012 
LPR-SW-03-1997 Notice of Expansion for Category 2 and Category 3 Facilities * 8/17/1997 
LPR-SW-03-2001 Local Landfill Certification for Non-Captive Industrial Landfills * 4/19/2001 
LPR-SW-03-2003 Tax Certification for Pollution Control 6/18/2003 
LPR-SW-03-2005 Siting and Groundwater Monitoring for Landfills and the Vicinity of Wetlands * 8/17/2005 
LPR-SW-03-2007 Management of Grit and Screenings * 2/26/2007 
LPR-SW-03-2008 Solid Waste Permit Manual * 12/16/2008  Changes Being Made
LPR-SW-03-2009 On-Site Burial of Routine Animal Mortality * 5/1/2009 
LPR-SW-03-2012 Implementation of VELAP Certification * 3/27/2012 
LPR-SW-04-1993 HELP Model - Leachate generation for tank design * 6/1/2003 
LPR-SW-04-2005 Sanitary Landfill Siting Relative to a Public Water Supply Intake or Reservoir * 8/23/2005 
LPR-SW-04-2009 Solid Waste Management Plan 5-Year Update Guidance * 5/13/2009 
LPR-SW-04-2011 Financial Assurance for Stockpiles of Materials for Beneficial Use or Other Uses * 2/22/2013 
LPR-SW-04-2012 Management and Reuse of Contaminated Media * 7/17/2012 
LPR-SW-05-2009 Research Development and Demonstration Plans * 11/9/2009 
LPR-SW-06-2001 Guidance on the Director's Determination in 10.1-1408.1.D.1 of the Code of Virginia - Permit by Rule Submissions * 8/9/2001 
LPR-SW-06-2005 Coordination of Permitting Requirements for Wetlands and the Siting of Solid Waste Landfills * 8/22/2005 
LPR-SW-06-2011 Amendment 7 and Phase I Monitoring * 8/3/2011 
LPR-SW-07-1996 Closure Documents - Survey Plat Guidance * 8/6/1996 
LPR-SW-07-2003 Permitting Guidance for the 10 Year Permit Review * 8/27/2003 
LPR-SW-08-1993 P. E. Certifications Required for Permit by Rules * 10/1/1993 
LPR-SW-08-2001 Statement Regarding Data to be Incorporated into the Regulations for Solid Waste Management Planning * 12/18/2001 
LPR-SW-09-2001 Management of Dredged Material * 12/31/2001 
LPR-SW-17-2002 Solid Waste Financial Assurance Procedures * 8/22/2002 
LPR-SW-2013-01 Landfill Construction Oversight Inspections * 6/3/2013 
LPR-SW-2013-02 Landfill Mining Applicability and Application Requirements * 9/27/2013 
LPR-SW-2013-03 Waste Information Request and Trade Secret Protection 8/15/2013 
LPR-SW-2014-01 Clarification of Required Final Cover Designs and Acceptable Alternate Designs * 3/28/2014 
LPR-SW-2015-01 Use of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Berms in Landfill Design * 4/24/2015 
LPR-SW-2016-01 Management of Sharps * 4/22/2016 
LPR-SW-2016-02 Permitting, Sampling, Analysis, and Data Reporting associated with Solid Waste Landfill Underdrain Systems * 10/18/2016 
LPR-SW-2017-01 Clarification of Landfill Gas Regulatory Requirements * 9/5/2017 
LPR-SW-2018-01 Frequently Asked Questions about Convenience Centers * 12/14/2018 
LPR-SW-2019-01 Odor Guidance for Solid Waste Management Facilities * 11/14/2019 
LPR-SW-2020-01 Managing Leachate in Compliance with the VSWMR * 10/1/2020 
LPR-SW-ACL Use of Alternate Concentration Limits for Establishing Groundwater Protection Standards (GPS) * 6/4/2013 
LPR-SW-EE-160 Virginia Waste Tire Program - Standards for Use of Tire Chips in a Residential Septic Drainfield 8/1/1997 
LPR-SW-EE-166 Virginia Waste Tire Program Utilization of Waste Tire Shred/Chips 8/1/2002 
LPR-SW-SI-00 Submission Instructions - 2012 Revision Approval Memo * 2/1/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-01 Submission Instruction 01 - Procedural Requirements for a New or Modified Solid Waste Management Facility Application * 2/1/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-02 Submission Instruction 02 - Design Plans and Report for Solid Waste Disposal Faciilities * 2/2/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-03 Submission Instruction 03 - Design Plans and Report for Waste to Energy, Thermal Treatment, and Incineration Facilities * 2/2/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-04 Submission Instruction 04 - Design Plans and Report for Other Solid Waste Management Facilities * 2/2/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-06 Submission Instruction 06 - Closure and Post-Closure Plans * 2/2/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-07 Submission Instructions 07 - Leachate Management Plan for Solid Waste Management Facilties * 2/1/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-09 Submission Instruction 09 - Requirements for Financial Assurance Mechanisms * 5/21/2002 
LPR-SW-SI-10 Submission Instruction 10 - Procedural Requirements for Permits-By-Rule * 2/1/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-13 Submission Instruction 13 - Landfill Gas Management, Remediation, and Odor Plans for Solid Waste Disposal Facilities * 8/31/2017 
LPR-SW-SI-15 Submission Instruction 15 - Groundwater Nature and Extent Studies at Solid Waste Landfills * 1/31/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-16 Submission Instruction 16 - Assessment of Corrective Measures for Groundwater at Solid Waste Landfills * 1/31/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-17 Submission Instruction 17 - Corrective Action Plan * 12/11/2013 
LPR-SW-SI-18 Submission Instruction 18 - Proposal for Presumptive Remedies * 1/31/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-19 Submission Instruction 19 - Alternate Source Demonstrations * 2/3/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-20 Submission Instruction 20 - Termination of Post-Closure Activity Evaluation * 12/10/2013 
LPR-SW-SI-21 Submission Instruction 21 - Monitored Natural Attenuation * 9/22/2004 
LPR-SW-SI-22 Submission Instructions 22 - Groundwater Alternate Point of Compliance Variance Petitions * 12/16/2011 
LPR-SW-SI-23 Submission Instructions 23 - Groundwater Annual Reports * 12/16/2011 
LPR-SW-SI-24 Submission Instructions 24 - Groundwater Semi-Annual and Quarterly Monitoring Reports * 12/16/2011 
LPR-SW-SI-25 Submission Instructions for MNA-based CASE Reports at Solid Waste Landfills * 7/13/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-26 Submission Instructions for Groundwater Pump & Treat Based CASE Reports at Solid Waste Landfills * 7/13/2012 
LPR-SW-SI-27 Submission Instruction 27 - Landfill Mining Operating Plans for Solid Waste Disposal Facilities * 9/30/2013 
LPR-SW-SI-28 Submission Instructions 28 - Submission Instruction for Applying Site-Specific Alternate * 6/16/2015 
LPR-SW-SI-29 Submission Instruction No. 29: Additional Permit Application Requirements for Coal Combustion Residuals Units * 12/5/2016 

* Document applies to one or more specific chapters and not to the board as a whole