Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
 Electronic Access 
Public Meeting - TMDL Implementation Plan McClure River Watershed (Dickenson County)

Meeting Details
Date / Time 2/23/2021  5:30 pm
Type Electronic Only 
Electronic Access To register for this virtual meeting and to receive access information, sign up here: For technical assistance during the meeting call: (276) 676-4805.
Link to Electronic Record
Board Website 
Agenda document agency has not posted
Minutes document agency has not posted
Disability Friendly? Yes       Deaf interpreter available upon request? Yes
Purpose of the meeting
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will host the final public meeting to review the draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Water Quality Improvement Plan (also known as the Implementation Plan (IP)) for the McClure River watershed. Given the existing State of Emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held entirely virtually. The URL to register for the virtual meeting is provided above. HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN MEETING: This meeting is open to the public and all interested parties are welcome. A computer or a telephone are necessary to participate virtually. All meeting attendees are encouraged to access the meeting using a computer to view the meeting visuals. Attendees may also use a phone for audio and a computer for visual to avoid possible interruptions in computer audio. Although the use of a phone for audio only participation is possible, since the meeting will rely on visuals, audio only participation is discouraged. Once registered for the meeting, registrants will receive an email with the URL and telephone information to participate in the meeting. If meeting attendees experience any interruption in the meeting broadcast, they should call the technical support line that is also provided above. In the event that the Governor’s State of Emergency is lifted, the meeting will be held in-person on the same date and time at: DEQ Southwest Regional Office, 355A Deadmore Street, Abingdon, VA, 24210. IP COMMENT PERIOD: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking feedback from watershed stakeholders on the proposed draft plan to restore water quality in the McClure River watershed. A draft Implementation Plan (IP) has been developed to explain the pollutant reductions needed to meet the targets contained in the 2018 TMDL report prepared for the watershed. A 30-day public comment period starts February 24, 2021, for interested persons to submit written comments. See below for directions to submit a comment. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY: There are six (6) different impaired stream segments in the McClure River watershed, including three segments of the McClure River mainstem, Big Spraddle Branch, Buffalo Creek and Roaring Fork. All segments are listed as impaired on Virginia’s 303(d) TMDL Priority List and Report due to violations of Virginia’s recreational use water quality standard from excess levels of E.coli bacteria. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and §62.1-44.19:7.C of the Code of Virginia require DEQ to develop TMDLs for pollutants responsible for each impaired water contained in Virginia’s 303(d) TMDL Priority List and Report. DEQ completed the bacteria TMDL for the McClure River in 2018. To obtain a copy of the TMDL report, use the contact information below. In addition, Section 62.1-44.19:7.C of the Code of Virginia requires expeditious implementation of total maximum daily loads when appropriate. The Implementation Plan (IP) provides measurable goals and the date of expected achievement of water quality objectives. The IP also recommends a specific set of voluntary best management practices (BMPs) for agricultural lands, residential septic systems, and pet waste to reduce bacteria entering area streams and their associated costs, benefits, and environmental impacts. To obtain a copy of the draft IP, contact the staff person listed below. HOW TO COMMENT ON DRAFT: A public comment period on the development of the TMDL IP will begin on February 24, 2021 and end March 26, 2021. All comments must be written and submitted via traditional mail or e-mail by 11:59 PM on March 26, 2021. They must include the name, address, and telephone number of the person submitting the comments. Please submit comments to staff contact listed below. Notice of this meeting appears in the February 15, 2021 Virginia Register.
Meeting Scope
Public hearing to receive comment on a proposed stage
General business of the board
Discuss particular regulations / chapters

Contact Information
Name / Title: Stephanie Kreps 
Address: DEQ-Southwest Regional Office
355A Deadmore Street
Abingdon, 24210
Email Address:
Telephone: (276)676-4803    FAX: (804)698-4178    TDD: ()-