Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]


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6/19/23  8:27 am
Commenter: Ann Grigorian

SUPPORT - Please approve this policy

Jury Duty surveys provide useful self-reported information related to the status of individuals living in Virginia who may be disqualified to vote in the Commonwealth. Virginia Law mandates that the Department of Elections is responsible for the central record keeping of all registered voters in the Commonwealth.  Virginia Code §24.2-404 (A) requires this list to be accurate.  To assist in this effort, Virginia law §24.2 – 404(B)(9) directs that ELECT shall “Use any source of information that may assist in carrying out the purpose of this section (list maintenance).  All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Department in procuring and exchanging identification information for the purpose of maintaining the voter registration system.”  In 2012, the Supreme Court decision in Arizona v. Inter Tribal supports this policy by its finding that nothing precludes States from conducting list maintenance based on information in their possession establishing ineligibility.  A 2019 report by the General Accounting Office report found that undeliverable notices from jury duty surveys can help election officials to identify registrants who have potentially moved or are noncitizens.  In March of 2020, the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) recommended using reports of returned jury notices as a best practice for list maintenance.  Due to Federal and State restrictions on requiring documentary proof of U.S. citizenship, Virginia currently has few effective routine list maintenance procedures to address the identification non-citizens and other registered voters who have had a change in status between routine list maintenance tasks. Virginia should join the other five states including DC who routinely utilize this resource for list maintenance purposes. I urge the State Board of Elections to approve this list maintenance policy.

CommentID: 217295

6/19/23  8:40 am
Commenter: George Clark

Please approve

To me this seems like common sense. There really shouldn’t be any discussion against this. Please approve.



CommentID: 217296

6/19/23  9:20 am
Commenter: Anonymous


Easy to do and great verification for our voting lists.

CommentID: 217297

6/19/23  10:26 am
Commenter: Anonymous



CommentID: 217301

6/19/23  11:30 am
Commenter: Frank Richardson

Support this Initiative

I wholeheartedly support this initiative to ensure our election process is strictly for US citizens.   Request immediate adoption by the Board. 

CommentID: 217302

6/19/23  12:59 pm
Commenter: FJ Jalil

Release of Relevant Info

It seems clear to me that since "persons not qualified to serve as jurors as a result of (i) not being a citizen of the United States, (ii) no longer being a resident of the Commonwealth, (iii) being a resident of another county or city in the Commonwealth..." is practically identical to existing Virginia Elections regulations on why a prospective voter shouldn't be allowed to cast a vote, this petition is quite valid and worthy of implementation as another tool to ensure fair and accurate elections in Virginia.

CommentID: 217303

6/19/23  1:01 pm
Commenter: John Kwapisz

list of unqualified persons provided to general registrars

Please approve it

CommentID: 217304

6/19/23  1:04 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


I fully support this.  Please pass it.

CommentID: 217305

6/19/23  1:06 pm
Commenter: Kitty Staskelunas

Support 100%

I completely support this initiative.  It just makes sense!

CommentID: 217306

6/19/23  1:21 pm
Commenter: Sherry Long

Support this please

Please support this Petition to keep the registered voter list valid by including the specified details described in the petition - Virginia Code §24.2-404 requires this list to be accurate.  

CommentID: 217307

6/19/23  1:44 pm
Commenter: Jeff Smith

Support the Proposal

 I am in favor of the proposal

CommentID: 217308

6/19/23  1:51 pm
Commenter: Dave

I support this proposal

I wholeheartedly support this proposal.

CommentID: 217309

6/19/23  2:34 pm
Commenter: Yvette Cienski

Support this 100%

I support this 100%! 

CommentID: 217310

6/19/23  6:22 pm
Commenter: Laura Kirk Fletcher

Petition to use jury lists for Election list maintenance

One of the most basic ways to ensure election integrity is proper, diligent and vigilant list maintenance. Cross referencing jury lists with voter rolls is brilliant! Cross referencing on a regular basis will allow the Registrar to participate in genuine front line protection of the citizen's vote. This is a petition worthy of action. Make this election law today! 

CommentID: 217313

6/19/23  8:39 pm
Commenter: AM Smith

Support - YESSSS!

This is such a simple way to further maintain our voter rolls.  It assists ELECT by enabling our LOCAL registrars to directly reach out to the constituent who has been excluded from jury duty to validate whether they ARE or ARE NOT eligible to vote.  It would not automatically exclude anyone from voting (IE out of state students or recent naturalized citizens) because the registrars will reach out to the constituent for further clarification of their status, just as the registrar would for any voter roll clean up process.

CommentID: 217314

6/19/23  10:08 pm
Commenter: Gary Porter, Breakfast Club

This is the most common sense change I've seen in a long time.

Freeing Clerks of the Court to share the names of people not qualified for jury duty with their local General Registrar is the most common sense suggestion I've seen in a long time.

CommentID: 217315

6/19/23  10:18 pm
Commenter: Janet Anderson

List of unqualified persons provided to registrars” a

I support this and hope you will Approve this petition. 

CommentID: 217317

6/19/23  10:34 pm
Commenter: Kim Goodwin

Please Support This

I am asking you to support a policy that allows Jury Commissioners to provide reports to local registrars of jury duty surveys that are returned indicating that the person has provided information that would make them ineligible to vote. We need to clean up our election roll books and ensure we have secure and honest elections.  This would be another step to help achieve this goal.

CommentID: 217319

6/20/23  12:29 am
Commenter: Andrea Bayer

I Fully Support this 100% Common Sense Measure!

Indeed, Jury Duty surveys garner and provide pertinent self-reported information related to the status of individuals living in Virginia who may be disqualified to vote in the Commonwealth.  Virginia law does mandate that the Virginia Department of Elections is responsible for the central record keeping of all registered voters in the Commonwealth.   Virginia Code §24.2-404(A) requires this list to be accurate.  To assist in this effort, Virginia law §24.2-404(B)(9) directs that ELECT shall "Use any source of information that may assist in carrying out the purpose of this section (list maintenance).  All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Department in procuring and exchanging identification information for the purpose of maintaining the voter registration system."  In 2012, the Supreme Court decision in Arizona v. Inter Tribal supports this policy by its finding that nothing precludes States from conducting list maintenance based on information in their possession establishing ineligibility.  A 2019 report by the General Accounting Office found that undeliverable notices from jury duty surveys can help election officials to identify registrants who have potentially moved or are noncitizens.  In March of 2020, the US Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) recommended using reports of returned jury notices as a best practice for list maintenance.  Due to Federal and State restrictions on requiring documentary proof of U.S. citizenship, Virginia currently has few effective routine list maintenance procedures to address the identification of non-citizens and registered voters who have had a change in status between routine list maintenance tasks.  Virginia should join the other five states and D.C. who routinely utilize this Jury Duty resource for list maintenance purposes.  I urge the State Board of Elections to approve this list maintenance policy as it exemplifies common sense, due diligence, and statutory compliance.

CommentID: 217320

6/20/23  7:40 am
Commenter: Kim Collins


I strongly support this measure and hope that Virginia’s elected officials will do the same, regardless of party affiliation.

CommentID: 217321

6/20/23  7:53 am
Commenter: Randy Mathis

Jury Commision

 I absolutely support this topic!

CommentID: 217322

6/20/23  7:54 am
Commenter: Dale Fye

Petition to remove unqualified voters from the voting list

I strongly support this petition.

CommentID: 217323

6/20/23  7:57 am
Commenter: Lou Cole


I support this petition

CommentID: 217324

6/20/23  8:00 am
Commenter: Lou Cole

I support this petition

I support this petition

CommentID: 217325

6/20/23  8:01 am
Commenter: Michael Shapiro

Please support this

Thank you for your consideration. 
  All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Department in procuring and exchanging identification information for the purpose of maintaining the voter registration system.”  In 2012, the Supreme Court decision in Arizona v. Inter Tribal supports this policy by its finding that nothing precludes States from conducting list maintenance based on information in their possession establishing ineligibility.  A 2019 report by the General Accounting Office report found that undeliverable notices from jury duty surveys can help election officials to identify registrants who have potentially moved or are noncitizens.  In March of 2020, the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) recommended using reports of returned jury notices as a best practice for list maintenance.  Due to Federal and State restrictions on requiring documentary proof of U.S. citizenship, Virginia currently has few effective routine list maintenance procedures to address the identification non-citizens and other registered voters who have had a change in status between routine list maintenance tasks. Virginia should join the other five states including DC who routinely utilize this resource for list maintenance purposes. I urge the State Board of Elections to approve this list maintenance policy.

CommentID: 217326

6/20/23  8:05 am
Commenter: Michael Petersen

please support this petition

please help clean the voter rolls

CommentID: 217327

6/20/23  8:12 am
Commenter: Susan Cowart

Petition for Rule making

I support this petition 

CommentID: 217328

6/20/23  8:20 am
Commenter: David Dierberger


Please approve this petition for rulemaking!

CommentID: 217329

6/20/23  8:28 am
Commenter: Nancy Mauldin

List of unqualified persons provided to general registrars

Please support

CommentID: 217330

6/20/23  8:31 am
Commenter: Nancy Mauldin



CommentID: 217331

6/20/23  8:53 am
Commenter: Robert Deeds

Petition for Rulemaking

I support this petition.

CommentID: 217333

6/20/23  9:00 am
Commenter: Linda

I support

But do our officials even care what the public wants?....

CommentID: 217334

6/20/23  9:11 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Support of rule change

Please modify this rule so unqualified voters and non-citizens are not selected for jury duty.  Thanks you.

CommentID: 217335

6/20/23  9:17 am
Commenter: Jon Huinker

Excellent Proposal

One of the problems we are constantly wrestling with is determining who is truly and legally eligible to vote in our elections and who is not.  This seems to be a never ending debate among the various sides of any political spectrum.  Having an accurate and complete list of eligible, legal voters is therefore imperative.  This simple proposal can and will improve the process of list maintenance.  I very strongly recommend its approval and enactment at the earliest possible time. 

CommentID: 217336

6/20/23  9:17 am
Commenter: Renae Clevinger

Suport Rulemaking

Support 100%

CommentID: 217337

6/20/23  9:26 am
Commenter: Marvin franz

I support this

I support this

CommentID: 217338

6/20/23  9:34 am
Commenter: Albert J Tumminello

list of unqualified voters provided to registrars/ I strongly support

Yes. I strongly support this initiative. It makes good sense. 

CommentID: 217339

6/20/23  9:57 am
Commenter: arthur garrison

Preventing fraudulent voting

This is necessary to identify non-qualified individuals attempting to vote.

CommentID: 217341

6/20/23  10:10 am
Commenter: Barbara Null

Absolutely I support this .

Sounds like a great plan to enforce laws on the books already. Now to get rid of dead voters. 

CommentID: 217342

6/20/23  10:23 am
Commenter: Cary Garnet

Support petition

I request that you support this petition. It is proper. it is needed and it is a accountable action.

CommentID: 217343

6/20/23  10:46 am
Commenter: Cathy Sliwoski

I support this petition

I support this petition to improve voting integrity in Virginia.

CommentID: 217344

6/20/23  10:54 am
Commenter: Elizabeth Keller


I strongly support this rule.

CommentID: 217345

6/20/23  10:59 am
Commenter: Martha Millen

I agree and support the petition

I agree and support the petition 

CommentID: 217346

6/20/23  11:24 am
Commenter: Mike Dewey

Support petition

id voters no longer qualified to vote

CommentID: 217347

6/20/23  11:31 am
Commenter: Peter Burke

I support this petition

I support this petition to use returned jury duty notice letters to identify possible non-citizen or no longer resident individuals from Virginia’s voter rolls.  

CommentID: 217348

6/20/23  11:39 am
Commenter: Kate Taylor

I agree - clean up voter rolls

It seems obvious to use undeliverable jury duty notices to clean up voter rolls.  If there is some compelling reason not to, I have not heard it.

Kate Taylor

CommentID: 217349

6/20/23  11:49 am
Commenter: Jim Keithley

Clean-up Voter Rolls

I totally agree. Persons ineligible to vote and non-citizens should be removed from the voter rolls. 

CommentID: 217350

6/20/23  11:57 am
Commenter: Sewell Corkran

Clean Up Voter Rolls

Virginia State Election Office should make available to local Registrars' offices all information which should be used to update voter rolls.  The Virginia Stat Election Office should also audit the local Registrars' offices to check for compliance with local office obligation to update voter rolls within the 30? day update rule.

CommentID: 217351

6/20/23  12:04 pm
Commenter: Christine Brim

Strongly Support this Common-sense Petition to enable Registrars to do their job

I strongly support this petition to allow jury commissioners to provide information from undeliverable juror mailings or juror questionnaires, to clerks or other officials, for the latter to provide to general registrars for list maintenance. The State Board of Elections needs to approve this petition and incorporate it into policy at the meeting following the petition's closing deadline. This is not a partisan issue - everyone benefits from better voter list maintenance and registrars have requested this information to improve their ability to clean the voter rolls. Now that Virginia is taking responsibility for its own voter list maintenance, after leaving the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), the SBE and ELECT should take the opportunity this petition offers, to improve voter list maintenance. This is a win-win non-partisan issue that improves transparency, cuts through red tape to improve data-sharing, and empowers registrars to do their jobs. 

CommentID: 217353

6/20/23  12:15 pm
Commenter: Ben Oravetz

I support this

We need to the election registrar to use all available data and not limit itself to just the good will of the average citizen to properly report their addresses to the government.  There are more safety measures in banking.

CommentID: 217354