Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/28/14  6:41 pm
Commenter: Joan Anderson

No politics, just a Valid Photo ID

I am an Election Officer and have seen many different (and sometimes strange) forms of ID.  Those of you that are trying to make this another battle between the Republicans and Democrats should just run for Congress.  That's where the silly bickering and posturing brings everything to a standstill.  This is NOT a political debate!  You want to speed up voting?  Let every registered voter show a Valid Photo ID with a current address.  If a senior (and I am one) has to stop driving, they should be required to turn in their old drivers license and the state should replace it with a (free) new, valid photo ID with their current address.  They could possibly use the same photo that was on the drivers license if the senior is unable to appear for a new photo (after-all, it's only five years old).  It appears to me that only someone that has an ulterior motive would object to showing an unexpired, current, legal photo ID.  We have to show a legal, current photo to do most anything now days - why not to vote?  It really would speed up the process.

CommentID: 34249