Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/22/14  10:06 am
Commenter: Reagan George, Virginia Voters Alliance

Expired IDs to Vote

Voter Id should tell the Election Offices two things.  1. The person presenting themselves to vote is the person that originally registered to vote and since they are registered they have satisfied the State's requirements for eligibility to vote.  2. The person is still a citizen of Virginia and has not moved across the state border and is trying to vote in both states.  An expired drivers license allows this to happen. 

I was never asked for my Texas drivers license when I applied for my Virginia drivers license.  I should not be able to use that expired license to vote in Texas.  I should also not be able to use just my passport as my only ID document since the US Passport does not confirm my Virginia Residence.

When you couple the Expired DMV License with Mr. Cortez letter to keep people in VERIS that have moved out of Virginia and registered to vote in another state is nothing more than a Democratic strategy to provide a huge number of voter registrations that are available for voter fraud if needed.

The only expired DMV license allowed should be those individuals over the age of 70 that can no longer drive.  This ruling would be similar to other states such as North Carolina.

CommentID: 33636