Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/17/14  11:07 pm
Commenter: Katherine Hovis/Mason District Democratic Committee

Why voting rights are important!

Hello all in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Let's have a quick American History/social studies review:

The 15th Amendment gave black men the right to vote in 1870, but many decades would pass before that apparent promise became reality.

Thwarting the measure's intent were a number of actions by states that sought to keep blacks from the polls.

For example, some states required blacks to pass literacy tests before voting -- a hurdle not placed before already-registered white voters. A Supreme Court decision overturned that tactic in 1915.

And poll taxes, aimed largely at discouraging minority voters, remained legal until adoption of the 24th Amendment in 1964.

All women got the right to vote in 1920. This occurred 50 yrs after black men got that right. Some of the women suffragists in our wonderful country before 1920 who just wanted women to be able to vote were put in jail, force fed  through tubes (when they went on hunger strikes)..........egg yokes were a favored food for the prison officials to use. 

So my point is folks that some of us take the right to vote very seriously and we will not back down from obstructionist ploys. I am sorry if some folks do not like the current results of recent years elections in Virginia. I get it.......we are all passionate about who we vote for. But please...........let's all win "fair and square" and call it great for our democracy. Is it really OK to purposely disenfranchise certain groups of people again 144 years after black men got the right to vote? Do you want your grandmother to be able to vote with an expired passport? What if she needed a ride to a passport office to get it updated before an election so she could vote and you were too busy to help her out so now she doesn't have a voice in the political process?

The personal is the political folks. Please think about your own families and friends who may be impacted by this new restrictive photo ID voter law. Let's be respectful of one another. I wish only the best for all of us..........Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Let people vote!! There are almost no documented cases of impersonation fraud so what's the real issue? Thanks for your time and attention.

CommentID: 33273