Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/16/14  12:54 am
Commenter: Carol Lindstrom

Expired driver's licenses should be acceptable as forms of ID.

Many of the forms of ID that are allowed in the new system do not even have expiration dates on them. So long as the photo looks like the individual, an expired driver's license (or any other photo ID with an expiration date on it) should be allowed.

I have, in the past, simply misread my driver's license expiration date and missed getting it renewed on time. This can happen to anyone. To require that the photo id is not expired would require that poll workers spend an inordinate amount of time and taxpayer money to be trained on the various ID's and where to look for that date.

This same process will mandate that it will take more time to process these individuals, thus creating unnecessary delays and lines on election day. It is already hard enough for those who work to manage the time to vote. For those living in the lower income levels and juggling 1 1/2 jobs or more, this is particularly problematic.

When the goal is simply to prove that the person is who they say they are, there is no need for experation dates to be an issue.

In particular, a rewrite of policy to change to only unexpired driver's licenses would disproportionately affect our older voters. This group is the one most likely to have an expired driver's license for ID as they are the one's most likely to be unable to obtain a new driver's license due to health reasons.

There is one other major issue with this. Changes, at this point, add to the confusion that is already going to happen due to the changes requiring photo ID's. We do not need to create unnecessary chaos in the process.

Keep it simple. Make it easy for people to vote. Let any official form of ID that shows a reasonal photo likeness of the person and the person's signature on it be accepted whether expired or not.

Avoid unnecessary hardship and confusion. Stick with the original wording! Encourage voter participation.

CommentID: 33023