Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/15/14  3:04 pm
Commenter: Barbara Tuset, Citizen

An expired photo ID is not an expired voter

Let's say I am a valid voter but I am elderly and no longer drive. Am I to be denied my right to vote because - 1. I have let my license expire because I no longer drive; 2. I don't have a new government-issued ID becuase I can't drive to some location to get this new ID.

Or I live in an area of the state where getting to the an issuing office is a hardhship

Or it is Election Day, Tuesday Nov 4th, 2014 and my driver's license or official ID expired on my birthday, Nov 2nd and I haven't renewed it yet. 

In all cases, why is my government putting a burden on me for proving, and continuing to prove, I am a valid voter? Under what circumstances does the expiration of a government-issued document change my right to vote?

Withdraw any such restrictive provision to an already overly restrictive regulation.

CommentID: 32981