Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/14/14  9:34 pm
Commenter: Deb Stevens Fitzgerald, Harrisonburg resident

Expired government ID's should be permitted to verify identity for the purposes of voting.

Expired government ID's should be permitted to be used to verify identity for the purposes of voting.

All the photo ID is supposed to do, according to the intent of the law,  is to  verify identity.  

That is, in part, why the new VA voter ID does not have an expiration date. An expired drivers license means you can't drive;  it doesn't mean that you cease to be yourself.  It still informs the poll worker checking the ID that you are who you are.   An expired passport means you'll have trouble leaving and entering the country.  It doesn't mean you cease to be yourself- you still are who you are.  Many of the photo ID's allowed to be used and authorized by the General Assembly don't have expiration dates at all.  It would be silly in the extreme to reject ID's that do.   Expired or not, they are valid for the purpose intended - verifying identity. 

CommentID: 32966