Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Historic Resources
Board of Historic Resources
Regulations Governing Contextualization of Monuments or Memorials for Certain War Veterans [17 VAC 5 ‑ 40]
Action Promulgation of Regulations Governing Contextualization of Monuments or Memorials for Certain War Veterans
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ends 6/7/2024
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4/11/24  6:59 pm
Commenter: Kathy Liston

Contextualization signs

The current proposed regulations for contextualization signs are an improvement over the earlier version, although I question the need for formal regulations at all. 

These signs cannot be one size fits all.  Each locality has a different history, a different make-up and a different flavor; the signs must reflect that.  The one I helped create here in Charlotte County, the first in the Commonwealth, is a perfect example.  It speaks in a Charlotte County voice to the people of Charlotte County.   These regulations will make it too boilerplate.

My suggestion would be instead of regulations, create voluntary guidelines.  We had a copy of your first draft regulations and used them as guidelines for the text of our sign.  We abided by most of it, and rejected a few things we didn't think necessary or pertinent.  That was sufficient.  If we had been forced to write it your way or go through your proposed process we might not have a sign.  Since ours went up in Sept 2023, we have been contacted by several localities interested in doing a sign;  I am afraid they will decide not to do one if there are too many hoops.

I understand what DHR is trying to accomplish with these regulations, but I think it is too much.  Guidelines could recommend an informal review by DHR -- we did that and got some excellent feedback -- but not mandate anything.  Unlike highway markers, I don't think DHR will be overrun with contextualization signs, you could review them and make suggestions.   I think guidelines would accomplish the same goals without the off-putting bureaucracy.

Speaking of our sign, I was surprised to see a sign in DeKalb, GA cited as an example by DHR instead of our sign (page 40 of 54 in the PDF - "see this marker in DeKalb County ...").  The one in Dekalb is very good but I think ours is better.  Ours does not tell people how to think about the monument, it gives both viewpoints completely based on facts and lets the reader to decide for themselves.  The DeKalb sign would never have been approved here in Charlotte County (I'm stunned it was in GA -- glad, but surprised).  Below is a link to the Cardinal News article about our sign; it contains a PDF link to the 2,400 word sign.  Perhaps this should be included as well as, or instead of, the DeKalb link.

Thank you for the chance to comment on this.  

Kathy Liston

CommentID: 222510