Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department of Fire Programs
6 guidance documents relevant to this agency for the criteria specified
Documents applying to multiple boards may be listed under each board.

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
VFSB-1 Aid-To-Localities Policy 8/29/2024 
VFSB-2 Live Fire Training Structure Grants 6/13/2020  Changes Being Made
VFSB-3 Virginia Fire Incident Reporting (VFIRS) Hardware Grant 11/7/2015  Changes Being Made
VFSB-4 Regional Fire Services Training Policy 9/15/2017  Changes Being Made
VFSB-5 Live Fire Training Structure (Burn Building) Project Manual 4/11/2013  Changes Being Made
VFSB-6 Conference and Education Assistance Grant 3/1/2019  Changes Being Made