Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Regulations Governing Grade "A" Milk [2 VAC 5 ‑ 490]
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6/29/18  11:17 am
Commenter: Eric Paulson, Virginia State Dairymen's Assocation

Petition to amend certain requirements in 2 VAC 5-490



  PHONE: 540-828-6960  FAX: 540-828-6962




June 24th, 2018

Ryan Davis

PO Box 1163

Richmond, VA 23218


Re: Petition to amend certain requirements in 2 VAC 5-490 regarding somatic cell count and bacteria count

Dear Mr. Davis,

The Virginia State Dairymen’s Association appreciates this opportunity to comment on the petition to amend Section 50 of 2 VAC 5-490 regarding the somatic cell and bacteria count limits in milk. The VSDA Board of Directors is in support of changing the current limits for SCC and standard plate counts to 500,000 scc/ml and 50,000 spc/ml respectively.

The benefits of higher quality milk are numerous. Higher quality milk has a longer shelf life and can be shipped further. Lower SCC scores are tied with increased cheese yields. It also has a impact on our export market with the current EU limit of 400,000 scc/ml already in place for US exports. We have already seen the pressure that the international community has been putting on our products and this change would continue the process of increasing dairy exports. There is also the possibility that this helps Virginia expand and recruit new processors to locate within our borders. Virginia would join four other states in implementing higher quality standards and would be first state east of the Mississippi River. This would make Virginia the industry leader on the East Coast. We urge the Board to approve the proposed amendments to the regulations.

The Virginia State Dairymen’s Association is a member organization that represents dairy farmers from around the Commonwealth. We have been actively involved in furthering opportunities for dairymen since our inception in 1907. 


Eric Paulson

Executive Secretary

Virginia State Dairymen’s Association



CommentID: 65625