Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
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1/16/24  8:14 pm
Commenter: Russell Vreeland Eastern Shore Anglers Club

Menhaden Petition

I have watched the Bay Menhaden biomass dwindle as the Reduction Fleet expands its efforts. I have been fishing over menhaden only to be driven out of the spot by a menhaden boat surrounding us with their purse seine forcing us to leave or threatening to close the net around our boat while drawing us up next to theirs. Then after moving out I watched the carnage as they vacuumed live fish out of the water, passed them through the system and dumped many dead and injured fish into the water on the opposite side. Virginia must join the rest of the coastal states and bar these fools from the Bay. There are almost no Rock Fish, Speckled Trout or other game fish remaining.  I completely support this effort and even urge the commission to expand it to a total ban on this type of fishing in the bay. We should even remove them from the oceans. Return these forage fish to their former numbers we need it.

CommentID: 221031