Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Board for Professional Soil Scientists, Wetland Professionals, and Geologists
Regulations for the Geology Certification Program [18 VAC 145 ‑ 40]
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8/11/23  12:05 pm
Commenter: Krista Tetrick

Support to retain Professional Licensure for Geologists

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my support for the licensure of Professional Geologists in Virginia.  As a licensed professional geologist, I can assure you that the process to gain licensure is not easy.

Currently regulations state that an individual applying for professional geologist licensure must work under a licensed PG for at least seven years. In addition to the work and PG oversight requirement, applicants must pass not one, but two tests.  The first tests the applicant's fundamental knowledge of geology, ie, what we were taught in the classroom. The second tests the applicant's professional knowledge, ie, what we have learned on the job.  These tests do not focus on a specific area of geology, but rather a broad range of knowledge is needed to pass.  

There is a reason applicants are recommended to begin studying months before the exams. The wide variety of topics potentially covered requires a significant time investment to successfully review the knowledge base gained in school and in the workplace. And most applicants complete this extensive study on their personal time.  As a geologist, this is a major career achievement.  

All of this means that there is a level of competence and professionalism assumed with an individual whom has earned their PG. Cheapening our profession is not only personally offensive, it would open the door for the potential of less competent work in our industry, with the potential to create situations dangerous to the public.


Krista J. Tetrick, PG, PWS  

CommentID: 218638