Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/3/23  11:24 pm
Commenter: Sharrie

What about HIPPA laws?

I am extremely concerned about the privacy of my children's health information (HIPPA) as well as their SSN and insurance information.  I do not have anyone I would even consider asking to be the EOR that I would trust with that information,  especially to be unpaid for the enormous amount of work that comes with it.  My husband and I adopted three children, all with significant special needs. There are multiple meetings with service facilitators,  care coordinators, multiple doctors, therapists, case managers,  school personnel (IEP meetings and more). We are more than overseen with professionals.  I have minimally 3-4 appointments/meetings weekly. My children all have trust issues and severe trauma. Finding attendants for them is extremely difficult, and lately,  impossible. Finding NON-relative people I would trust as an EOR...impossible.  Please reconsider the stipulations for EORs and the limitations on hours. Appointments alone can total close to 40 hours, which doesn't include any personal care.  I have had to leave my career to take care of my children since covid. Also,  since covid,  attendants are practically non-existent. The hourly rate is a joke. No one wants to work this hard for less than they can make at a fast food restaurant. The hourly cap provides hardships for parents who can not work in order to properly take care of their children.  We love and care for our children deeply,  but bills still have to be paid. Please reconsider these new guidelines. 

CommentID: 217670