Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Energy
Department of Energy
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7/20/18  11:05 am
Commenter: Alistair Funge

Tax incentives for residential and commercial solar; energy security through distributed solar
We need more incentives for distributed residential, commercial, and industrial power generation and storage. As various threats to the power grid (e.g. weather, cyber attacks, geomagentic solar storms, etc), increase, we need resiliency at the local level in order to minimize the economic impacts of power outages. Residences with solar arrays AND energy storage can weather any outage for an extended period without outside help. They can help their more needy community members. Power generation and storage on commercial buildings and industrial sites will allow other utilities, including gas pumps, natural gas lines, and water to continue to work after grid disruptions. Food distriubtion, medical, and communications infrastructure are also critical for health, security, and economic stability/resilience. Critical industries need to have resilient, distributed energy security. Ultimately, all new residential, industrial, and commercial buildings should be required to provide a minimum amount of continuous power generation and storage. Enough to power minimal lights, limited refrigeration, heating/cooling, and communications. A massive, Puerto Rico style blackout will be difficult to recover from after a large scale (e.g. Quebec 1989) geomagnetic storm, given the 'just in time delivery' methodology for transformers and other electrical equipment. We cannot afford to have large swaths of the country without power for weeks to months at a time. A smart Energy Plan for the Commonwealth of Virginia is good for economic growth, community safety, and national security.
CommentID: 65768