Date Filed: 8/31/2001
Notice of Periodic Review
Periodic Review of Regulations
Department of Social Services
Pursuant to Executive Order Number Twenty-five (98), the Department of Social Services is currently reviewing the below listed regulations to determine if they should be terminated, amended, or retained in their current form. The review will be guided by the principles listed in Executive Order Number Twenty-five (98) and in the department’s Plan for Review of Existing Agency Regulations.
The department seeks public comment regarding the regulations’ interference in private enterprise and life, essential need of the regulations, less burdensome and intrusive alternatives to the regulations, specific and measurable goals that the regulations are intended to achieve, and whether the regulations are clearly written and easily understandable.
The regulations are:
22 VAC 40-100-10 et seq., Minimum Standards for Licensed Child-Caring Institutions. Contact: Doris Jenkins, Program Manager, Child Welfare Licensing Unit, (804) 692-1773 phone, (804) 692-2429 fax, e-mail.
22 VAC 40-220-10 et seq., Agency Placement Adoptions – Guiding Principles. Contact: Karin Clark, Program Consultant, Adoptions Unit, (804) 692-1251 phone, (804) 692-1284 fax, e-mail.
22 VAC 40-250-10 et seq., Agency Placement Adoptions – AREVA. Contact: Karin Clark, Program Consultant, Adoptions Unit, (804) 692-1251 phone, (804) 692-1284 fax, e-mail.
22 VAC 40-260-10 et seq., Agency Placement Adoptions – Subsidy. Contact: Karin Clark, Program Consultant, Adoptions Unit, (804) 692-1251 phone, (804) 692-1284 fax, e-mail.
22 VAC 40-270-10 et seq., Agency Placement Adoptions – Appeals. Contact: Karin Clark, Program Consultant, Adoptions Unit, (804) 692-1251 phone, (804) 692-1284 fax, e-mail.
22 VAC 40-780-10 et seq., Elimination of Financial Eligibility Criteria for Direct Social Services. Contact: Karin Clark, Program Consultant, Adoptions Unit, (804) 692-1251 phone, (804) 692-1284 fax, e-mail.
Written comments may be submitted until July 22, 2001, in care of the above listed contacts at 730 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219-1849, by facsimile to the above listed numbers, or by e-mail to the above listed addresses.
Publication of Notice in the Register and Public Comment Period
Published in the Virginia Register on 7/2/2001
Comment Period
begins on the publication date and
on 7/22/2001
Comments Received: 0
Review Result
Repeal the regulation
TH-07 Periodic Review Report of Findings
(not yet submitted)
Action Implementing the Result
Attorney General Certification
Prior to early 2014, AG periodic review certifications were done off-line