Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Mandate 61

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
Freeze the CPI Adjustment for Medically Needy and
Purpose of legislation
Item 325 N requires DMAS to freeze the Medically Needy Income limits at their current level through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004.
Legislation mandating a change
Budget item mandating a change Item 325 (2003)
VAC chapters to be amended Not yet determined.
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 1291: Freeze the CPI Adjustment for Categorically Needy, Medically Needy and Standards of Assistance Income Limits through FY 2004
Latest Stage: Emergency
Deadline for the regulation to become effective 7/1/2003
Closing Explanation
Changes accomplished via project 1043, and superseded by project
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