Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
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7/8/23  4:37 pm
Commenter: Charles A. Bedell

I support this Petition for Rulemaking "List of unqualified persons provided to general registrars"

It seems to make sense that information obtained by one governmental agency, in the exercise of its powers, should be communicated to other government agencies where that information is useful in order for them to properly and fully carry out their duties. Having access to and using all relevant, available information in maintaining accurate and up to date lists of who is qualified to vote in Virginia elections is of crucial importance to the integrity of our Commonwealth's system for electing representatives to local and state office and, in general, allowing its citizens to control the functioning of their government. 


It is important to establish rules at the State level which cannot be changed by localities so that all Virginians have equal rights/protection under one law.


CommentID: 217864