Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
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6/20/23  12:29 am
Commenter: Andrea Bayer

I Fully Support this 100% Common Sense Measure!

Indeed, Jury Duty surveys garner and provide pertinent self-reported information related to the status of individuals living in Virginia who may be disqualified to vote in the Commonwealth.  Virginia law does mandate that the Virginia Department of Elections is responsible for the central record keeping of all registered voters in the Commonwealth.   Virginia Code §24.2-404(A) requires this list to be accurate.  To assist in this effort, Virginia law §24.2-404(B)(9) directs that ELECT shall "Use any source of information that may assist in carrying out the purpose of this section (list maintenance).  All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Department in procuring and exchanging identification information for the purpose of maintaining the voter registration system."  In 2012, the Supreme Court decision in Arizona v. Inter Tribal supports this policy by its finding that nothing precludes States from conducting list maintenance based on information in their possession establishing ineligibility.  A 2019 report by the General Accounting Office found that undeliverable notices from jury duty surveys can help election officials to identify registrants who have potentially moved or are noncitizens.  In March of 2020, the US Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) recommended using reports of returned jury notices as a best practice for list maintenance.  Due to Federal and State restrictions on requiring documentary proof of U.S. citizenship, Virginia currently has few effective routine list maintenance procedures to address the identification of non-citizens and registered voters who have had a change in status between routine list maintenance tasks.  Virginia should join the other five states and D.C. who routinely utilize this Jury Duty resource for list maintenance purposes.  I urge the State Board of Elections to approve this list maintenance policy as it exemplifies common sense, due diligence, and statutory compliance.

CommentID: 217320