Proposed Text
Part XVIII (Repeal)
Behavioral Health Services
12VAC30-130-3000. Behavioral health services. (Repealed.)
A. Behavioral health services that shall be covered only
for individuals from birth through 21 years of age are set out in
12VAC30-50-130 B 5 and include: (i) intensive in-home services (IIH), (ii)
therapeutic day treatment (TDT), (iii) community based services for children
and adolescents (Level A), and (iv) therapeutic behavioral services (Level B).
B. Behavioral health services that shall be covered for
individuals regardless of age are set out in 12VAC30-50-226 and include: (i)
day treatment/partial hospitalization, (ii) psychosocial rehabilitation, (iii)
crisis intervention, (iv) case management as set out in 12VAC30-50-420 and
12VAC30-50-430, (v) intensive community treatment (ICT), (vi) crisis
stabilization services, and (vii) mental health support services (MHSS).
12VAC30-130-3010. Definitions. (Repealed.)
The following words and terms when used in these
regulations shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise:
"Behavioral health authority" or "BHA" means
the local agency that administers services set out in § 37.2-601 of the
Code of Virginia.
"Behavioral health services administrator" or
"BHSA" means an entity that manages or directs a behavioral health
benefits program under contract with DMAS.
"Community services board" or "CSB"
means the local agency that administers services set out in § 37.2-500 of
the Code of Virginia.
"DMAS" means the Department of Medical Assistance
"Independent assessor" means a professional who
performs the independent clinical assessment who may be employed by either the
behavioral health services administrator, community services boards/behavioral
health authorities (CSBs/BHAs) or their subcontractors.
"Independent clinical assessment" or
"ICA" means the assessment that is performed under contract with DMAS
either by the behavioral health services administrator or the CSB/BHA, or its
subcontractor, prior to the initiation of (i) intensive in-home (IIH) services
or therapeutic day treatment (TDT) as set out in 12VAC30-50-130 and (ii) mental
health support services (MHSS) for children and adolescents (MHSS) as set out
in 12VAC30-50-226.
"VICAP" means the form entitled Virginia
Independent Clinical Assessment Program that is required to record an
individual's independent clinical assessment information.
12VAC30-130-3020. Independent clinical assessment
requirements; behavioral health level of care determinations and service
eligibility. (Repealed.)
A. The independent clinical assessment (ICA), as set forth
in the Virginia Independent Assessment Program (VICAP-001) form, shall contain
the Medicaid individual-specific elements of information and data that shall be
required for an individual younger than the age of 21 to be approved for
intensive in-home (IIH) services, therapeutic day treatment (TDT), or mental
health support services (MHSS) or any combination thereof. Eligibility
requirements for IIH are in 12VAC30-50-130 B 5 b. Eligibility requirements for
TDT are in 12VAC30-50-130 B 5 c. Eligibility requirements for MHSS are in
12VAC30-50-226 B 8.
1. The required elements in the ICA shall be specified in
the VICAP form with either the BHSA or CSBs/BHAs and DMAS.
2. Service recommendations set out in the ICA shall not be
subject to appeal.
B. Independent clinical assessment requirements.
1. Effective July 18, 2011, an ICA shall be required as a
part of the service authorization process for Medicaid and Family Access to
Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) intensive in-home (IIH) services,
therapeutic day treatment (TDT), or mental health support services (MHSS) for
individuals up to the age of 21. This ICA shall be performed prior to
the request for service authorization and initiation of treatment for
individuals who are not currently receiving or authorized for services. The ICA
shall be completed prior to the service provider conducting an intake or
providing treatment.
a. Each individual shall have at least one ICA prior to the
initiation of either IIH or TDT, or MHSS for individuals up to the age of 21.
b. For individuals who are already receiving IIH services
or TDT, or MHSS, as of July 18, 2011, the requirement for a completed ICA shall
be effective for service reauthorizations for dates of services on and after
September 1, 2011.
c. Individuals who are being discharged from residential
treatment (DMAS service Levels A, B, or C) or inpatient psychiatric
hospitalization do not need an ICA prior to receiving community IIH services or
TDT, or MHSS. They shall be required, however, to have an ICA as part of the first
subsequent service reauthorization for IIH services, TDT, MHSS, or any
combination thereof.
2. The ICA shall be completed and submitted to DMAS or its
service authorization contractor by the independent assessor prior to the
service provider submitting the service authorization or reauthorization
request to the DMAS service authorization contractor. Failure to meet these
requirements shall result in the provider's service authorization or
reauthorization request being returned to the provider.
3. A copy of the ICA shall be retained in the service
provider's individual's file.
4. If a service provider receives a request from parents or
legal guardians to provide IIH services, TDT, or MHSS for individuals who are
younger than 21 years of age, the service provider shall refer the parent or
legal guardian to the BHSA or the local CSB/BHA to obtain the ICA prior to
providing services.
a. In order to provide services, the service provider shall
be required to conduct a service-specific provider intake as defined in
b. If the selected service provider concurs that the child
meets criteria for the service recommended by the independent assessor, the
selected service provider shall submit a service authorization request to DMAS
service authorization contractor. The service-specific provider's intake for
IIH services, TDT, or MHSS shall not occur prior to the completion of the ICA
by the BHSA or CSB/BHA, or its subcontractor.
c. If within 30 days after the ICA a service provider
identifies the need for services that were not recommended by the ICA, the
service provider shall contact the independent assessor and request a
modification. The request for a modification shall be based on a significant
change in the individual's life that occurred after the ICA was conducted.
Examples of a significant change may include, but shall not be limited to,
hospitalization; school suspension or expulsion; death of a significant other;
or hospitalization or incarceration of a parent or legal guardian.
d. If the independent assessment is greater than 30 days
old, a new ICA must be obtained prior to the initiation of IIH services, TDT,
or MHSS for individuals younger than 21 years of age.
e. If the parent or legal guardian disagrees with the ICA
recommendation, the parent or legal guardian may appeal the recommendation in
accordance with Part I (12VAC30-110-10 et seq.) In the alternative, the parent
or legal guardian may request that a service provider perform his own
evaluation. If after conducting a service-specific provider intake the service
provider identifies additional documentation previously not submitted for the
ICA that demonstrates the service is medically necessary and clinically
indicated, the service provider may submit the supplemental information with a
service authorization request to the DMAS service authorization contractor. The
DMAS service authorization contractor will review the service authorization
submission and the ICA and make a determination. If the determination results
in a service denial, the individual, parent or legal guardian, and service
provider will be notified of the decision and their appeal rights pursuant to
Part I (12VAC30-110-10 et seq.).
5. If the individual is in immediate need of treatment, the
independent clinical assessor shall refer the individual to the appropriate
enrolled Medicaid emergency services providers in accordance with
12VAC30-50-226 and shall also alert the individual's managed care organization.
C. Requirements for behavioral health services administrator
and community services boards/behavioral health authorities.
1. When the BHSA, CSB, or BHA has been contacted by the
parent or legal guardian, the ICA appointment shall be offered within five
business days of a request for IIH services and within 10 business days for a
request for TDT or MHSS, or both. The appointment may be scheduled beyond the
respective time frame at the documented request of the parent or legal
2. The independent assessor shall conduct the ICA with the
individual and the parent or legal guardian using the VICAP-001 form and make a
recommendation for the most appropriate medically necessary services, if
indicated. Referring or treating providers shall not be present during the
assessment but may submit supporting clinical documentation to the assessor.
3. The ICA shall be effective for a 30-day period.
4. The independent assessor shall enter the findings of the
ICA into the DMAS service authorization contractor's web portal within one
business day of conducting the assessment. The independent clinical assessment
form (VICAP-001) shall be completed by the independent assessor within three
business days of completing the ICA.
D. The individual or his parent or legal guardian shall
have the right to freedom of choice of service providers.
12VAC30-130-3030. Application to services. (Repealed.)
A. Intensive in-home (IIH) services.
1. Prior to the provision of IIH services, an independent
clinical assessment shall be conducted by a person who meets the licensed
mental health professional definition found at 12VAC35-105-20 and who is either
employed by or contracted with a behavioral health services administrator
(BHSA), community services board (CSB), behavioral health authority (BHA), or a
subcontractor to the BHSA, CSB, or BHA in accordance with DMAS approval.
2. IIH services that are rendered in the absence of the
required prior independent clinical assessment shall not be reimbursed.
B. Therapeutic day treatment (TDT) services.
1. Prior to the provision of TDT services, an independent
clinical assessment shall be conducted by a person who meets the licensed
mental health professional definition found at 12VAC35-105-20 and who is
employed by or contracted with a BHSA, CSB, BHA, or the subcontractor of the
BHSA, CSB, or BHA in accordance with DMAS approval.
2. TDT services that are rendered in the absence of the
required prior independent clinical assessment shall not be reimbursed.
C. Mental health support services (MHSS).
1. Prior to the provision of MHSS, an independent clinical
assessment, as defined in 12VAC30-130-3010, shall be conducted by a person who
meets the licensed mental health professional definition found at
12VAC35-105-20 and who is employed by or contracted with a BHSA, CSB or BHA, or
a subcontractor of a BHSA, CSB, or BHA in accordance with DMAS approval.
2. MHSS rendered in the absence of the required prior
independent clinical assessment shall not be reimbursed.
D. Other Medicaid-covered community mental health services.
DMAS may apply the independent clinical assessment requirement to any of the
other Medicaid-covered community mental health services set out in
12VAC30-50-130 and 12VAC30-50-226 with appropriate and timely notice to
providers. In such situations, DMAS shall not deny coverage to providers'
claims for these affected services absent at least a 30-day notice of this