12/14/2018 8:53 am
Date / Time filed with the Register of Regulations
VA.R. Document Number: R____-______
Virginia Register Publication Information

Transmittal Sheet: Response to Petition for Rulemaking
Initial Agency Notice
Agency Decision
Promulgating Board: Board of Long-Term Care Administrators
Regulatory Coordinator: Elaine J. Yeatts


Agency Contact: Corie Tillman Wolf

Executive Director


Contact Address: Department of Health Professions

9960 Mayland Drive

Suite 300

Richmond, VA 23233-1463
Chapter Affected:
18 vac 95 - 30: Regulations Governing the Practice of Assisted Living Facility Administrators
Statutory Authority: State: 54.1-2400 and 54.1-3102

Date Petition Received 09/13/2018
Petitioner Daniel Cassiere
 Petitioner's Request
The petitioner requests amendments to: 1) allow an administrator with one year of total experience to be preceptor; 2) to make it mandatory for an employer to inform the Board about employee work dates, and 3) to add other types of documents to prove work history.
 Agency Plan
In accordance with Virginia law, the petition was filed with the Register of Regulations and posted on the Virginia Regulatory Townhall at www.townhall.virginia.gov. The petition will be published on October 15, 2018, and comment will be requested from interested parties until November 14, 2018. The petition and copies of all comment will be considered by the Board of Long-Term Care Administrators at its meeting scheduled for December 13, 2018.  After considering the request and reviewing the comments, the Board will decision whether to initiate rule-making or deny the petition and retain the current requirements.
Publication Date 10/15/2018  (comment period will also begin on this date)
Comment End Date 11/14/2018
 Agency Decision
Take no action
Agency Response Date 12/14/2018
 Agency Decision Text
At its meeting today, the Board considered the petition and comments received and decided to retain the current requirements.  While members appreciated the petitioner's point of view, it was their conclusion that the requirement of one-year of full-time employment as an administrator is the minimal amount of experience necessary to adequately serve as a preceptor for an AIT.  Additionally, the Board did not accept the request to require facilities to verify employment or to accept other means of verification.  This Board does not license or regulate the facilities, only the administrators of those facilities, and acceptance of pay stubs may not adequately provide evidence of full-time employment.