Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action 2015 Voter Registration Application Regulation and Form Update
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/3/2015
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8/2/15  10:19 pm
Commenter: The Chesterfield County Republican Committee

CCRC Commentary on Proposed Registration Form Changes

Dear Chairman and Members of the Board:

I am writing as unanimously directed by the Chesterfield County Republican Committee’s Executive Committee in response to the State Board of Election’s consideration of substantial changes to the current requirements for registering to vote in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

It is our Committee’s understanding that Section 24.2-103 of the Code of Virginia requires that all rules and regulations promulgated by the State Board of Elections, and the Department of Elections shall not be in conflict with any state or federal election laws.   Given the requirements of Virginia law set forth in Section 24.2-418 of the Code, the Chesterfield County Republican Committee requests that the current “Registration Form” requirements not be altered to remove separate and specific statements regarding citizenship, as well as the status of a felon’s rights restoration.  

We look forward to an expeditious resolution of this matter, in order to insure that every valid applicant can be registered to vote, while insuring that those ineligible to vote are not allowed to unfairly participate in Virginia’s elections. 

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important matter. 


Donald C. Williams, Chairman

Chesterfield County Republican Committee



CommentID: 41549