Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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8/1/14  1:01 pm
Commenter: Bruce Smith, AARP and NCPSSM

Valid ID to vote ?

Both my mother and mother-in-law lived into their 90s.  One a Democrat and one a Republican. Both quit driving but continued voting.  Once they quit driving, they quit carrying a drivers liscense, the only ID with a picture they had.  But I believe both had those expired drivers liscenses in their houses.  So, expired IDs should count.  Neither would have thought it reasonable to take a cab to a DMV office to get a replacement ID.  Furthermore,  I have met several seniors who are voters and who have no picture ID at all.  Everyone over 65 should be exempt from any picture ID requirement.  If not, many low income and or rural senior voters may be disenfranchised.

CommentID: 36388