Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/30/14  5:32 pm
Commenter: Ivy Main

Voting rights shouldn't expire when a citizen no longer drives
I am writing to comment on the proposed regulation making expired photo ID 
ineligible for voting. Such a requirement has no rational relationship to 
ensuring the identity of the voter, which does not expire. Expiration dates make 
sense for drivers licenses so the state can be sure the driver is still able to 
drive safely; it is irrelevant to the question of identity. 

We have many elderly citizens who let their drivers licenses expire when they no 
longer drive. Voting rights shouldn't expire just because citizens no longer 
drive. In fact, the proposed regulation is perverse, as these people may now 
have no way to get to an office to obtain a new ID card. 

I have served as an election officer in Fairfax County and have never seen or 
suspected any case of a voter falsely claiming to be someone else. Our 
procedures are more than adequate should this ever occur, so the proposed change 
would appear to be directed not at the integrity of the vote but at preventing 
people from voting. 

Please rethink this absurd policy change.


Ivy Main
CommentID: 34583