Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/21/14  12:51 pm
Commenter: (Mrs)M Michelle Hutchinson, Citizen

An Expired I.D. is Still an I.D.

It is ridiculous for Senator Mark Obenshain to throw up a smoke screen regarding expired identification cards (provided they are photo IDs) being used for voting. The purpose of using ANY identification to admit someone to vote is to ensure that they are registered to vote in the locality where they attempt to do so, and to avoid voting fraud. If a person has any photo identification which correctly shows their name issued by an acceptable source - i.e., drivers license, school ID, work ID, etc. - that should be acceptable and satisfactory. It doesn't matter when the ID was issued - if it looks like the person wo wants to vote, and has their name spelled correctly, it should be accepted.

The only persons who have any interest in making it harder and less convenient for citizens to vote are those who hope to gain thereby (i.e., those who hope that only their own party supporters are able to vote), and that raises a whole bunch of questions about Senator Mark Obenshain's motives in raising such a silly and irrelevant point.  Just sayin'...


CommentID: 33518