Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/17/14  10:57 am
Commenter: Billy Parvatam

what valid means

I am one who is totally against Sen. Mark Obeshain's proposal to demand voters to have unexpired ID's because he deems them unvalid. I disagree with this because I don't agree with his definition of "valid."

I believe a "valid" photo identification is a photo that can easily identify the person trying to vote. The important thing about the ID is that it can clearly show that the voter at hand IS that voter. Whether or not it is expired should not be important. 
For many people, this law would hurt their ability to vote. For example, elderly people who might not drive anymore would not be able to vote because their driver's license could be expired. Poorer people who might not have the time or resources to update their ID will be at a disadvantage. Younger people who might not have updated their ID in a while will also be hard pressed to vote.
The point here is is that the ID should clearly identify the voter, whether or not it is valid shouldn't be important. In a nation where we encourage people to vote, to have a say in who our elected officials should be, we are doing the exact opposite with this law. When our officials are elected we want MAXIMUM participation in our elections, as we want the officials who the people want. That is what makes the United States so special. The power truly is in the hands of the people. However, by enforcing this law, we are hurting voter participation. We are making the voting process more complicated then it needs to be. 
Having a "valid" ID would benefit both democrats and republicans, and in turn, the United States of America. By lifting this silly and complicated restrictions, more voters of both parties will be able to vote and have their say. This issue isn't about a particular party, it's about a fundamental right and issue that we as Americans have, the right to vote. We must do everything possible to make that simple and easy for people to do. Having an ID which clearly identifies who the voter is makes this important process much easier for everybody.
CommentID: 33118