Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
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10/5/11  9:09 am
Commenter: Leslie Williams, Va resident

In favor of anti-discrimination language

I am in favor of restoring the anti-discrimination language in the adoption rules for Va. Discrimination only hurts the children involved by limiting their opportunities to grow up in loving and safe environments. State regulated/licensed adoption agencies should not be able to discriminate against qualified candidates based on race, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, etc.

Of course, the main controversy is regarding discriminating against LGBT people in adoption placements. This type of discrimination should not be permitted in Va. Children deserve as many opportunities for good adoption placements as possible. LGBT people deserve the opportunity to create caring and supportive families. Eliminating discrimination will serve to strengthen families, not harm them. Many studies have shown that the children of LGBT parents are in all ways similar to children raised by traditional parents (see Virginia has no business limiting opportunities for adoption based on irrelevant characteristics.

CommentID: 19345