Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action 2015 Voter Registration Application Regulation and Form Update
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/3/2015
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7/28/15  10:00 am
Commenter: Darren Williams

Leave form as is
Please leave the form as is...perhaps bold letters on the Affirmation would make it easier to read. A better solution might be to lift it from the longer, fine print. That way, we can get the essential legal information squared away up front (i.e. preventing illegals and felons from casting votes). After all, in addition to gathering essential information, and proving that qualified, legal voters are voting, isn't eligibility the reason for the form's existence?
CommentID: 40558