Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/24/14  11:15 am
Commenter: walter moore

voter id vs increased participation

What troubles me most about all this talk about voter id is that we are not talking about or doing enought to expand voter participation.  We want id's, but not a voter id with a picture.  We don't make it easy for people to get id's.  Especially for those who cannot get out, or do not have transportation.  We want people to vote, but we only allow less than a day to vote; we don't let people vote on the weekend; we don't expand absentee ballots; we don't provide more booths, parking spaces, or locations; etc; etc.  In some states, we are actually attempting to decrease voter participation, especially among minorities.  And, I haven't really seen anything, but talk, about massive voter fraud.  So....What gives?  I think voter participation will be what gives.  I think some people would like to go back to the 1700's: you must be white, male, and own property.  I think some people would like to insure that 1 political party get elected.  That may also be the way some of our voting districts are organized.  Is that what we are all about?  Is that our goal is to insure that 1 party gets elected?  I beieve that we should do everything possible to get all Virginians to vote in every election, every time.  That should be our goal, our focus. 

CommentID: 33754