Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/21/14  9:12 pm
Commenter: Ken Sharma, Social Activist, Concerned Citizen

Voter Photo ID - why???

The whole concept of requiring a photo id to vote is ridiculous!!  No non-citizen is trying to risk their freedom, their livelihood, their job, their family, their dignity, to try and sneak in ONE vote for any candidate, no matter how much they support him/her!!

Who would risk a penalty for "perjury" to claim to be a citizen, just to vote.   No one!!!  Never ever!!  It makes no sense at all...

So the logic behind this law makes no sense.  To compound that, now Mr. Obenshain is suggesting that a photo id that was good enough to allow a vote, somehow becomes invalid because it expired??   Since when does an expired license or passport not qualify as valid proof of who you are?  We are not asking to drive or get back into this country, just to VOTE.

My employer isssued ID, and most Student IDs or many other IDs have no expiration date at all.  Yet, each of those are acceptable forms of photo ids to allow me to vote...

It is quite obvious to any rational person, that Mr. Obenshain and his friends are only trying to restrict the vote. They would prefer if less people voted.  How un-patriotic, how un-American!  

Please do not allow a valid photo id to be deemed unacceptable because it expires.  

Concerned Citizen

Ken Sharma

CommentID: 33592