Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Proposed Regulation on Voter Photo Identification Document
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 5/12/2014
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4/29/14  5:39 pm
Commenter: STEPHANIE ILES, Norfolk Office of Elections

Photo ID

There is a great concern about issuing photo IDs to persons who are not registered within the locality of the Registrar.  Although VERIS may be able to confirm someone is a registered voter within Virginia, we do not manage the records for those voters outside of our locality.  For example: We verify the petition signatures of voters outside of our own locality...each is done by the approving locality.  So, why would SBE permit a Registrar for another locality to issue a Photo ID card for someone not in their jurisdiction?  This could also be an extra expense for localities in personnel, training, etc. that our budget cannot absorb. 

The Voter Photo Identification Card Application also does not contain any statement with regards to material misrepresentation.  Yes, the voter must sign to indicate the information is true, but unike, the Virginia Voter Registration Form, there is no "teeth" to the form in the fact that someone can sign without penalty for misrepresentation.  We are not confirming anyone's identity or whether they may have a photo ID through DMV (since they have a DMV number issued).  I would recommend SBE consider adding a statement or modifying the statement to include: "I swear/affirm, under felony penalty for making willfully false material statements or entries, that the information provided on this form is true."

CommentID: 31599