Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Ranked Choice Voting [1 VAC 20 ‑ 100]
Action Ranked Choice Voting Regulations and Ballot Standards
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/9/2021
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8/5/21  12:33 pm
Commenter: Matthew Scoble, Unite America

RCV Regulations

I am submitting these comments on behalf of Unite America. Unite America is a movement of Democrats, Republicans, and independents working to put voters first by fostering a more representative and functional government.

We concur with Chris Hughes from the Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center regarding his comprehensive updates to the regulations, and recommend the Board of Elections adopt or incorporate his comments including; a rewritten definitions section, additional clarification and updated timeline in the RCV adoption section, clarifying the ballot treatment section, adding all relevant details of the round-by-round count for RCV elections, and expansion of the outreach section (including example language for materials).
We also agree with the comments submitted by G. Michael Parsons of FairVote, David O'Brien from RepresentUS, and the Campaign Legal Center. 
Thank you for your consideration.
Matt Scoble
Sr. Director, Legislative Affairs, Unite America 
CommentID: 99724