Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Psychology
Regulations Governing the Practice of Psychology [18 VAC 125 ‑ 20]
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9/5/24  12:09 am
Commenter: Anonymous

EPPP reform!

As a clinician who has been struggling to pass this exam, shy of only a few points, along with many of my former classmates/colleagues, we need change now! Not only is the exam taxing on us financially but it also does a number on our own mental wellbeing. I’ve heard and read countless horror stories of fellow colleagues falling into depressive bouts, experience suicidal ideation, lose jobs, hope & self esteem over a failing score for an exam that is in itself a FAILURE. If we have to jump through another hoop to make a living, let’s make the hoop accessible to all rather than those with copious amounts of money to take this atrocity several times or to take much needed time off, which is not a reality for many of us. Going through countless years of education, CCEs, internship applications, dissertation and making it to graduation with 6 figures in debt, to then being met at the end of that road with an abomination of an exam that forces us to learn I/O psych & the mental gymnastics to decipher the riddle like questions of the EPPP is insulting, infuriating and wakes me up at night. Future psychologists deserve better- we need change now!

CommentID: 227652