Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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2/4/24  9:09 am
Commenter: Jacques van Montfrans

I am in strong support if this petition
I was very excited when management of the menhaden resource was transferred from the legislature with all of the lobbyist influence to VMRC where I expected that regulations would become apolitical. But I'm extremely disappointed that most decisions made by VMRC favor Omega Protein and not the menhaden resource which is perhaps THE most important as the base of the food chain for so many species and a control factor on plankton communities in the Chesapeake Bay. So as before, it's business as usual and is extremely disappointing. Please listen to what osprey researchers and recreational fishers are telling you about the over exploitation of the menhaden resource within the Bay. Science will very likely indicate that the resource is locally overexploited but unfortunately such an investigation has been kicked down the road. We are running out of time to deal with this tragedy of the commons situation. Act now and support this important moratorium considering the circumstantial evidence and multitude of citizens who favor it.
CommentID: 222037