9/13/2022 2:56 pm
Date / Time filed with the Register of Regulations
VA.R. Document Number: R____-______
Virginia Register Publication Information

Transmittal Sheet: Response to Petition for Rulemaking
Initial Agency Notice
Agency Decision
Promulgating Board: Department of Motor Vehicles
Regulatory Coordinator: Melissa K. Velazquez


Agency Contact: Melissa Velazquez

Legislative Services Manager


Contact Address: Department of Motor Vehicles

Department of Motor Vehicles

Post Office Box 27412

Richmond, VA 23269-0001
Chapter Affected:
24 vac 20 - :
Statutory Authority: State:

Date Petition Received 09/13/2022
Petitioner David Adam McKelvey, Crandall & Katt
 Petitioner's Request
The petitioner requests the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to develop a regulation containing objective criteria regarding the award of DMV Select contracts to non-governmental entities that comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act.
 Agency Plan
The petition for rulemaking will be published in the Virginia Register of Regulations on October 10, 2022, and on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall. Public comment will open on October 10, 2022, and will close on November 8, 2022. DMV will consider the petition and all comments in support or opposition after the close of the public comment period. The agency will issue a written decision within 90 days following the close of the comment period. 
Publication Date 10/10/2022  (comment period will also begin on this date)
Comment End Date 11/08/2022