Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Virginia Standards of Accreditation [8 VAC 20 ‑ 132]
Action Revisions to the Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 9/25/2024
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9/25/24  9:12 pm
Commenter: Cheryl Binkley

The A&A Regs are a direct attack on our schools and commuities

The new A&A Regulations add assessments, regulatory paper load, put more restrictions on curriculum and will heighten stress for children and families senselessly. The Career framework, the 3Es, and the addition of formative and classroom assessment data collection is intrusive and useless when you are not going to count growth anyway. This is a scam.  Your plans up end our middle schools targeting children at an age when they are highly vulnerable.  How about putting these requirements on the private schools. And to count as "on target" for your school you have to take two college courses and get B or better or your school is dinged? The EL requirements are custom designed to label immigrant communities as failing, and to depress property values.  The the 3E's will punish small districts and rural schools which already struggle to fund the wide span of course choices. The lack of real monetary or structural support while mouthing "support" every other line further labels this initiative as deliberately destructive.  Change Course, before you do serious damage.

CommentID: 227964