Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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2/5/24  10:19 am
Commenter: Trevor Deihl

I Disagree With The Petition

This petition is nothing more than another attempt to falsely kick a century old company out of the bay.   Omega has and continues to be good stewards of the bay and all that occupy it. With beyond healthy stock assessments I would ask what is the purpose for this petition?  Kicking Omega out of the bay would essentially kick them out of business, making 100’s of employees and contractors out of jobs in an area where there are not many jobs.  Employees at Omega are generational and care about this business and the ecosystem they work and personally I would like to see my son have the opportunity to work on the Chesapeake Bay.

CommentID: 222122