Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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2/2/24  9:57 am
Commenter: June S Henderson MD

Strongly support!

The Chesapeake Bay has been raped for years by the menhaden fish companies. Now down to just one mega company.   The Menhaden fishing in the Bay should be carefully monitored.  The one Canadian Company could move some of its fishing to the Atlantic, not all that far away.  The osprey decline is another “canary the coal mine” similar too, to the DDT of the 1960’s.  Why do we need to go through this again?  In my lifetime of 77 years, I have seen the decline of the rock fish, and the blue crab.  Save for the now careful farming of the oyster, the oyster itself was in great decline.  Our law makers need to stand  up, listen to the science, and do what is right for the environment and the Bay.  

CommentID: 221973