Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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2/2/24  8:44 am
Commenter: Timshel Purdum

I SUPPORT this petition

Osprey nests in Virginia’s lower Chesapeake Bay are failing at the highest rate ever recorded, according to data released by the College of William & Mary’s Center for Conservation Biology.  Humans are notorious for over fishing and over harvesting and damn the consequences.  Being scientifically prudent and taking a pause to evaluate and manage this resource for everyone--including the Osprey--is VITAL .  According to the Center, young osprey are starving in nests because the decades long overharvest of menhaden has caused local depletion.  This petition must go through!

CommentID: 221969