Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Psychology
Regulations Governing the Practice of Psychology [18 VAC 125 ‑ 20]
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8/28/24  11:53 am
Commenter: Kim Smith

I support this.

I support this petition. The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) has been increasingly criticized for its perceived unfairness in evaluating the competence of aspiring psychologists. One major concern is that the exam heavily emphasizes rote memorization of theoretical knowledge rather than practical, real-world skills that are crucial for effective practice. Additionally, the EPPP's standardized format does not account for the diverse educational and cultural backgrounds of candidates, potentially disadvantaging those who may excel in clinical settings but struggle with standardized tests. The high cost associated with the exam, coupled with limited transparency in scoring, further exacerbates its inequity, making it a barrier rather than a bridge to professional licensure for many qualified individuals. It has come to my attention that other states, such as Texas and Michigan, are working to enact changes regarding the EPPP. In Michigan, the EPPP passing score was changed to 350 for Master's Limited License graduates. If Michigan can set their own range of scores, certainly Virginia can follow. I am asking the board to seriously consider this petition. 

CommentID: 227468